The Duck Thread

I did massage it a little while my grandmother and I were trying to gently put it back in place(when I thought it was a slipped tendon). How often should I massage the leg? Right now, I think she's pretty stressed. The brooder is nice and warm, but she starts to shiver when I try to look at the leg. Should I leave her alone today and try again tomorrow? Or would that just cause more problems in the long run?
Dont forget to turn the eggs several times a day. As for moisture wet a sponge and wring it out enough to stop drips and set it under the heating pad with the egss (but not touching), wet it again when it close to dry.
Miss Lydia, I got B12 last night, but I just noticed that it says with Folic Acid and natural cherry flavor. Is this okay to give? I also got Polyvisol(without iron) and Niacin. I already had Vitamin E and Selenium. I crushed up one Selenium pill and sprinkled it over their food, but neither is really eating much of anything right now. Zeus has started pecking at things yesterday. The little turd likes to peck at hands. Not visciously, but as if he's looking for food. He actually loves to be held. My boyfriend is absolutely enamored with him, lol. :)

I definitely think Heph has a will to live. I hope she doesn't lose that will. This morning, she seemed a lot less stressed. She isn't shivering, and she calmed down quickly in my hands. No shivering in my hands. Her leg also did not shake after I massaged it. Her little toes even stretched out when I tried to carefully stretch her leg.
If you want quiet ducks... Muscovies! They do not quack, just chirp. And my Muscovy drakes are not rough with the hens, certainly nothing like Howard, who sounds a good candidate for duck dinner.
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Miss Lydia, I got B12 last night, but I just noticed that it says with Folic Acid and natural cherry flavor. Is this okay to give? I also got Polyvisol(without iron) and Niacin. I already had Vitamin E and Selenium. I crushed up one Selenium pill and sprinkled it over their food, but neither is really eating much of anything right now. Zeus has started pecking at things yesterday. The little turd likes to peck at hands. Not visciously, but as if he's looking for food. He actually loves to be held. My boyfriend is absolutely enamored with him, lol. :)

I definitely think Heph has a will to live. I hope she doesn't lose that will. This morning, she seemed a lot less stressed. She isn't shivering, and she calmed down quickly in my hands. No shivering in my hands. Her leg also did not shake after I massaged it. Her little toes even stretched out when I tried to carefully stretch her leg.
if your using poly vi sol just stick with that and the E and selenium for now you don't want to over do as tiny as they are. Hang in there your doing great.
Okay, so no Niacin either for now?

I also called an avian vet, but everybody's closed today, and probably will be tomorrow, too. I left a voicemail. According to Google reviews, the vet is very knowledgeable, gentle, and friendly. Hopefully they aren't closed tomorrow and I can get an appointment in after work. Otherwise, Heph will have to wait until Tuesday to be seen by a vet.
Okay, so no Niacin either for now?

I also called an avian vet, but everybody's closed today, and probably will be tomorrow, too. I left a voicemail. According to Google reviews, the vet is very knowledgeable, gentle, and friendly. Hopefully they aren't closed tomorrow and I can get an appointment in after work. Otherwise, Heph will have to wait until Tuesday to be seen by a vet.
I believe the poly vi sol has niacin in it check the bottle and I need to find someone that has used it to give to dosage unless you already know how much to give.
if you can get hold of Poultrydrench that's better for the duck, it has more niacin in it then Polyvisol. But what I would do is run to the dollar store or walmart get some Vitamin B complete, forget the Vitamin e and what not, put a pill in a quart of water, then Dropper feed him to make sure he get some of the Vitamin b in her.

Can she flatten the toes at all?
if you can get hold of Poultrydrench that's better for the duck, it has more niacin in it then Polyvisol. But what I would do is run to the dollar store or walmart get some Vitamin B complete, forget the Vitamin e and what not, put a pill in a quart of water, then Dropper feed him to make sure he get some of the Vitamin b in her.

Can she flatten the toes at all?
That would be the same as B complex right? mine comes in capsule and is easy to open and dump into water to mix.

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