The Duck Thread

how do I know when my Pekin will hatch her eggs? No idea when she actually went broody! couldn't tell. she's our only female duck that has ever sat on eggs so I am new to this. I have walked out there 3 times today. she usually comes out of her igloo when I go out there and she hasn't yet today. she hissed at my husband too, when he got closer to the igloo to take a peek. She stood over the eggs. she is now laying back down. I am thinking it must be close by now, but are there any signs from mama I should be watching for? and if any do hatch, what do I do next? I have just her as a female. our other female sadly was found dead in the pond recently. we have two males, they never go in the igloo. thanks all
how do I know when my Pekin will hatch her eggs? No idea when she actually went broody! couldn't tell. she's our only female duck that has ever sat on eggs so I am new to this. I have walked out there 3 times today. she usually comes out of her igloo when I go out there and she hasn't yet today. she hissed at my husband too, when he got closer to the igloo to take a peek. She stood over the eggs. she is now laying back down. I am thinking it must be close by now, but are there any signs from mama I should be watching for? and if any do hatch, what do I do next? I have just her as a female. our other female sadly was found dead in the pond recently. we have two males, they never go in the igloo. thanks all
It takes a month for duck eggs to hatch. When they start hatching you will notice a difference in posture and behavior of her on the nest. When my broodies are sitting you can always tell when they have babies. Congrats on your soon to be's i have one to.
It takes a month for duck eggs to hatch. When they start hatching you will notice a difference in posture and behavior of her on the nest. When my broodies are sitting you can always tell when they have babies. Congrats on your soon to be's i have one to.
thanks! I really hope we get some ducklings. my chickens went broody twice this year already and one hatched and died, and the other one we had to assist the hatch, but she is doing well and thriving. no other chicks hatched. congrats to you too. I know it has to be at least 2-3 weeks now!
Come on guys your not going to offend me. I just need a idea of what to charge someone wanting a trio of my ducks.
I paid $10 apiece for my full-grown Muscovies, plus the guy gave me one drake for free (I only wanted females but did take the male also). I paid $5 apiece for the Pekin ducklings from the feed store. In the past, I paid $10 each for an adult Pekin and two black ducks. I live in Wyoming. Don't know if that helps or not.
Just giving them options makes sense if it's not causing a ridiculous amount of work.
I have two pools, there just figuring out the ramp into the bigger new pool so it will shortly be as dirty as the smaller one. Once they get
the hang of the new pool I think I will add a water "pot" as suggested.
Something extra they seem to enjoy is a shower, I put the sprinkler head on in the pen and watch them "shower",they love it! :)

I have a question, I'm hesitant about letting them free range still, how do you get them home for the night? There running out of greens in the pen and I want to let them out, but I read they don't head home at night like chickens... And I live in the bush, foxes, cougars etc, so I need to get them in. I have my dogs to help but I don't want the ducks to get stressed. Any advice on getting them home?
Just giving them options makes sense if it's not causing a ridiculous amount of work.
I have two pools, there just figuring out the ramp into the bigger new pool so it will shortly be as dirty as the smaller one. Once they get
the hang of the new pool I think I will add a water "pot" as suggested.
Something extra they seem to enjoy is a shower, I put the sprinkler head on in the pen and watch them "shower",they love it! :)

I have a question, I'm hesitant about letting them free range still, how do you get them home for the night? There running out of greens in the pen and I want to let them out, but I read they don't head home at night like chickens... And I live in the bush, foxes, cougars etc, so I need to get them in. I have my dogs to help but I don't want the ducks to get stressed. Any advice on getting them home?

Mine are just out in are small yard, but every night I just open there coop door and they go in. I never had to do anything special, they just go in at night and I come out and shut there door.
Mine free range on 3 acres and they put themselves to bed in the barn every night. They do stay out later in the evening than the chickens though.

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