The Duck Thread

Gosh u all have so WARM!!! I'm in NW Wisconsin and these are the current temps. Yes, the writing is german but the temps are in F! And the wind chills are making the entire thing colder by about 20 more degrees! Brrr

Wow you all are some tuff folks up there. why is the writing in german? we are having winds up to 50 miles an hour tonight bring it all in I guess. We've had it pretty nice up until this week. 3* is cold enough thank you. I'm mid south.
The weather app on my phone says it is about -4 here tonight. But, it's supposed to warm just a little and then tomorrow around noon we start getting the 4-8 inches of snow predicted for our area. I'm in SD so not really all that far from WI. The last couple of days I open the door to the house for the ducks and guineas and they just look at me. They don't even bother to come out. Wind chill tonight is supposed to be about -30. I'd rather have your southern weather!
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I think if they wouldn't have changed our WC chart those temps would be about what we're having. :-( YUK!!!
What type of duck is this it is wierd it is smaller than my pekins but isnt at lean as a Indian runner I think he or she is a white khaki Campbell any ideas

The writing is in german as I am german and have it set that way. And yea, cold up here again. Temps in F and then C.



Man that is COLD! I'm happy we finally hit 33 this morning after dropping to freezing early last night. Makes me sound like a baby, lol! I like cold but have discovered I don't like more than a couple days of saying in the 30's. I'm from Southern California so the 50's are consider cold out there.

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