The Duck Thread

With ducks I think cutting the foot is so risky that I recommend other treatments. Will be back in a few.
Might want to try Blu- Kote you can find it in most feed stores it's works great! Keep us posted on the how you make out best of luck!!

If it is bumblefoot, you do not have to cut the bumble if it is small, you just need to either put triple antibiotic ointment (no painkiller) on the foot twice a day until it clears, which can take 3 or 4 weeks, or follow this advice from Haunted55:

On July 1st, I found one of my Pekin ducks with what I would consider a bad case of Bumblefoot. Both feet were involved and I'm ashamed to say, the only way I found it was she was limping. One foot had 7 and the other had 3. I was able to grab her and bring her into the house and put her into a warm bath to clean and soak. Two water changes later and softened feet, all I had time to do was paint the bumbles with colorless iodine, grabbed the wrong stuff, and put her into a dog crate in my house until I could get everything ready to operate and get them gone. Did I mention the thought of this scared me half to death?

Sad to say it took 6 days before i was able to get everything together and someone to help out with the 'cure'. There really wasn't much to operate on, even though I was prepared to do just that. No matter how much squeezing or prodding or soaking, there just wasn't anything more to come out, it was all on the scabs that were covering the sores. The swelling was down from the 'marbles' I saw when I first found them. I poured betadine over the ones I had opened and painted the ones that I hadn't again with the iodine and put her back into her crate with clean bedding.

The bumbles have been dramatically reduced on the Pekin with just the iodine application and the smaller ones totally gone. The heels being the worst are still showing infection and need for more treatment. tomorrow, I will again give a bath and pull/cut out the scabbing and treat with straight iodine this time. These spots are now flat or as flat as they should be considering the part of the foot they are on. I will still touch up the places that had the spots before as well.
I have 2 males and one female, boy am I ready to get rid of those males. Both are starting to rip the one female apart! My female one has no oil to protect her feathers from getting soaked now, and in the middle of her neck, there is no fuzzy furry stuff, just a bare spot on her neck. Also, she starts to limp randomly! that poor female D: I'm afraid they might kill her after awhile. should I get rid of my males and get more females? What also makes me mad is the guy that sold me these ducks said he is certain it's all FEMALES. but I ended up with more males than what the guy said!!!

one more thing, are the females supposed to have a lower quack than the males..?
I have 2 males and one female, boy am I ready to get rid of those males. Both are starting to rip the one female apart! My female one has no oil to protect her feathers from getting soaked now, and in the middle of her neck, there is no fuzzy furry stuff, just a bare spot on her neck. Also, she starts to limp randomly! that poor female D: I'm afraid they might kill her after awhile. should I get rid of my males and get more females? What also makes me mad is the guy that sold me these ducks said he is certain it's all FEMALES. but I ended up with more males than what the guy said!!! :he
one more thing, are the females supposed to have a lower quack than the males..?

You need more female's or have to part with the drakes!
I have 2 males and one female, boy am I ready to get rid of those males. Both are starting to rip the one female apart! My female one has no oil to protect her feathers from getting soaked now, and in the middle of her neck, there is no fuzzy furry stuff, just a bare spot on her neck. Also, she starts to limp randomly! that poor female D: I'm afraid they might kill her after awhile. should I get rid of my males and get more females? What also makes me mad is the guy that sold me these ducks said he is certain it's all FEMALES. but I ended up with more males than what the guy said!!! :he
one more thing, are the females supposed to have a lower quack than the males..?
How about a fence where they can see each other but not touch? She really needs some time to heal up and if you are keeping any males you need more females. She also will need a buddy as well since they can't be alone. How to tell males and females apart
I have 2 males and one female, boy am I ready to get rid of those males. Both are starting to rip the one female apart! My female one has no oil to protect her feathers from getting soaked now, and in the middle of her neck, there is no fuzzy furry stuff, just a bare spot on her neck. Also, she starts to limp randomly! that poor female D: I'm afraid they might kill her after awhile. should I get rid of my males and get more females? What also makes me mad is the guy that sold me these ducks said he is certain it's all FEMALES. but I ended up with more males than what the guy said!!!

one more thing, are the females supposed to have a lower quack than the males..?
Get the drakes away from her. She could be killed - and is already hurt. Take care of her injuries and keep them separated until you decide what you are going to do.
How can I tell if my cayuga is an old duck? Got her in March she laid one egg the first day nothing since. Any info would be appreciated
Okay duck people-I have a question of my own- we finally got a letter saying the avian flu quarantine is over after over a month (yay!) in celebration we are getting week old mallard ducklings-my question to you is can you sing sex the like chicks? (Makes have one row of feathers on wings, females have two rows)? We need two males and two females and there isn't too much room for mistake and i don't want to risk it with vent sexing them since I'm inexperienced in that field
I'm having a hard time following this thread...but no you cannot feather sex a duckling. Are you picking the ducks up somewhere? Why would you want 2 male and 2 female? Unless you are showing them in 4H as pairs or something along that line I would strongly suggest not getting an even amount. I don't have as many issue with my mallards as other breeds but 3 ducks and a drake would be much more healthy for all involved. You can have some eggs and hatch some babies and no one should lose an eye in the process....just my 2 cents.

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