The Duck Thread

Ducks don't have pus like us. poking a safety pin in the bottom of the foot isn't going to do anything but hurt. You need to soak the foot in Epsom salt water then dry and apply colorless iodine to the foot. do the soaks every day the colorless iodine every 3 days. till you can peel the scab off and pull out the plug that will be the pus. no need to cut or stick anything in. I used a pair of tweezers after pouring alcohol over them to sterilize. to pull out the plug. This isn't an over night fix it can take a week to several you just have to keep at it.
Well I've been doing everything the past week and the swelling hasn't gone down I've noticed the swelling getting bigger I don't know what to do
Well I've been doing everything the past week and the swelling hasn't gone down I've noticed the swelling getting bigger I don't know what to do
Is there a scab[blk] if there is soak and then try peeling off the scab. can you post a good pic of what your seeing?have you been using the colorless iodine too?
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Thanks everyone for everything. Sadly he didn't make it.

RiP Lemont. 4/6/15 ~ 4/22/15


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