The Duck Thread

Thanks everyone for everything. Sadly he didn't make it. His seziures got worse, and he passed during one. At least he is at peace now.

RiP Lemont. 4/6/15 ~ 4/22/15

Is there a scab[blk] if there is soak and then try peeling off the scab. can you post a good pic of what your seeing?have you been using the colorless iodine too?
No there is no scab but I have another duck that has the same thing as my other duck for the past couple weeks and ive been doing the same things that ive been doing for the other duck to her and she had one or two scabs I peeled them of and got some pus out of it now her ankle is still swollen but the swelling is going down she's still limping pretty bad but all that is a different duck the duck I've been talking about the past week has no scabs and just her ankle is swollen and I haven't used any clear iodine
No there is no scab but I have another duck that has the same thing as my other duck for the past couple weeks and ive been doing the same things that ive been doing for the other duck to her and she had one or two scabs I peeled them of and got some pus out of it now her ankle is still swollen but the swelling is going down she's still limping pretty bad but all that is a different duck the duck I've been talking about the past week has no scabs and just her ankle is swollen and I haven't used any clear iodine
Could this be an injury instead of bumble? usually with bumble there is a scab. So get the colorless iodine and use it on the one that had scabs to finish clearing up the bumble with that one, this one with out scabs needs to be soaked in Epsom salt and warm water daily as often as you can but never let them drink the ES water because it is a laxative and can cause dehydration. And rest which means limited movement till swelling has gone down. Same as with us if we sprain an ankle we use soaks ice and rest till the ankle has healed. I wouldn't use ice on their ankles they probably wouldn't like that but the soaks and rest can be done. and if you can post pics of both ducks legs and feet.
Reese, so very sorry to hear about Lamont. You did everything you could. Sending hugs your way.

Ducklover31, I hope you can figure out what's going on with your ducks' feet. Is there anything they may be stepping on that could injure them?
I am so sorry for your loss May Nirvana be the last destination in the cycle of rebirth for this little one's soul. Cyber hug from me to you.

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