The Duck Thread

I have 2 three week old black Cayuga ducklings...they seem to lay down a lot...they're not sick , eating / drinking /pooing normal, but it just seems like they should be walking/running around around more than they do...i never had ducks before so is this normal or is something wrong?
They are eating purina chick start and grow NON medicated. Ive read i should give them niacin & it's 100mg/gal but how often should i give it? Daily, every other day, once a week?
What I did was give mines bugs.Bugs have good Niacin in them.
There's no way I could've sat and watched my adult bird basically do something I thought was 1-beat the snot out of or 2-rape and pillage a duckling. Pretty sure the screaming would be nightmare inducing enough. Either separate them asap, don't keep that many or dig a hole for the little one when its all over.
That would be one of those moments where we were supposed to step in and get the defenseless one out of harms way. Pets or not, I couldn't handle that.
I had no idea it was something bad.just figured it was nature.....
Would you have stood by and watched the same attack on a puppy by an adult dog?

There is nothing natural about keeping fowl in runs. It is up to us to observe and manage our flocks to determine when something is not right and take steps to correct problems.

If you, "LoveThemBirds," as your screen name indicates you will study, read and implement good Animal Husbandry practices to prevent injury to the flock-mates in your care.
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Ok.I have 2 ducklings,2 months old.I have officialy added them to the flock.I have one drake and i'm pretty for sure this duckling (The pekin) is our 2nd drake.My oldest drake (A large pekin),had been in the run chasing my lil Cutie (Our 2 month old runner duckling) all around the run.He grabbed her by her head and had her like that for a good 7 maybe 10 minutes just trying to mate with her.I just watched thinking it was mating,but of course I did try threw the fence to shew him off.She was screaming.
Question:Why would he want ANYTHING to do with a hen that doesn't eve lay eggs?I'm upset because 1.She is muddy and I had to let them out at 6 something to take baths when the birds of prey are out in this area.Also,she is soooooooooooooooooo sweet,that I could just KILL Sparta (The drake).
Would you have stood by and watched the same attack on a puppy by an adult dog?

There is nothing natural about keeping fowl in runs. It is up to us to observe and manage our flocks to determine when something is not right and take steps to correct problems.

If you, "LoveThemBirds," as your screen name indicates you will study, read and implement good Animal Husbandry practices to prevent injury to the flock-mates in your care.
[COLOR=333333]Would you have stood by and watched the same attack on a puppy by an adult dog?[/COLOR]

[COLOR=333333]There is nothing natural about keeping fowl in runs.  It is up to us to observe and manage our flocks to determine when something is not right and take steps to correct problems.  [/COLOR]

[COLOR=333333]If you, "LoveThemBirds," as your screen name indicates you will study, read and implement good Animal Husbandry practices to prevent injury to the flock-mates in your care.[/COLOR]

@Darnbunnies you may be right with your response, but is it really fair to be so harsh and condescending to them? They didn't know, therefore they couldn't have known to do anything. Nature can be cruel, and so can be like you. (Darnbunnies)
I have two Cayuga ducklings that are 8 weeks old? Does anyone know how long it takes for them to reach their full size? Thanks :)

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