The Duck Thread

Just based on your posting that would be one male to one female gender ratio. The suggested gender ratio for ducks is 1 drake to every 3-4 females. Anything less can result in over breeding of the female and possible injury. Also, anytime you have more that one drake with females around the drakes will fight, sometimes pretty violently. I would suggest getting more females if you plan on breeding them. If you do not plan on breeding then you may want to rehome some of the males.

I have muscovy ducks and rarely see my males fight, but the other day a couple of females really had it out. I was going to step in but they gotvit figured out before I. got into my shoes.
I have 4 Swedish, 11 weeks old. I know 2 for sure are female. They quack loudly and have been quacking for weeks. The other 2 are not as loud and I had assumed male, but one's bill is getting all freckled. According to this link freckles appear as they get their adult hormones, and indicate female. "She" still doesn't quack like a female though. The fourth one is still very quiet, so I still am not sure. I'm hoping to have at least 3 and 1, but I'm beginning to think all female. Only one of the known females is a bit smaller than the other 3. I dont know what I would do if it ends up 2 and 2. I will give it a shot for a while and hope they pair up, as I have read can happen. I can't get rid of any of them. I hatched them! And I don't really want to add any more females... They have gone through first molt, or at least have started it, and seem to be close to finished. Fingers crossed that I dont have to change anything!!
I am still trying to decide on my 12 week old, still thinking it's a female but it's got a slight curl to the tail. the beak that was all black is now turning green though.

Mallard is definitely a drake
I have 4 Swedish, 11 weeks old. I know 2 for sure are female. They quack loudly and have been quacking for weeks. The other 2 are not as loud and I had assumed male, but one's bill is getting all freckled. According to this link freckles appear as they get their adult hormones, and indicate female. "She" still doesn't quack like a female though. The fourth one is still very quiet, so I still am not sure. I'm hoping to have at least 3 and 1, but I'm beginning to think all female. Only one of the known females is a bit smaller than the other 3. I dont know what I would do if it ends up 2 and 2. I will give it a shot for a while and hope they pair up, as I have read can happen. I can't get rid of any of them. I hatched them! And I don't really want to add any more females... They have gone through first molt, or at least have started it, and seem to be close to finished. Fingers crossed that I dont have to change anything!!
Not to be gross, but my one ducks poo is liquid, its not normal, I give him everything right, tried acv, what else can I do? Or is it normal?
Ducks can have a variety of different poops depending on what they eat, and most is liquid because they drink alot of water. most likely normal if everything else is normal eating, drinking, running around acting normal. If concerned get some probiotics mixed with electrolytes and vitamins it can be mixed into their water.
I am still trying to decide on my 12 week old, still thinking it's a female but it's got a slight curl to the tail. the beak that was all black is now turning green though.

Mallard is definitely a drake

Glad I'm not alone with unknown at that age! We might just have to wait for eggs! Lol
Hi everyone!
So I have brought Winnie's little friend home today. (A little Magpie duck.. thinking maybe calling her Maggie or Lucy?)

Anyway, we put her in and Winnie was terrified even thoguht she is double her size. The new duckling just wanted to snuggle and eventually they went under the brooder together and they are both sleeping now.
Winnie doesn't even cry for me anymore!! :( Feel like I have lost my little baby!

Hi everyone! 

So I have brought Winnie's little friend home today. (A little Magpie duck.. thinking maybe calling her Maggie or Lucy?)

Anyway, we put her in and Winnie was terrified even thoguht she is double her size. The new duckling just wanted to snuggle and eventually they went under the brooder together and they are both sleeping now.

Winnie doesn't even cry for me anymore!! :( Feel like I have lost my little baby!


Glad you got her a friend. And don't feel bad, its nature as it should be. She will still be attached to you, but needs the bonding with her own kind too. Post some pics when you can.

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