The Duck Thread

Can you put ducks and baby chickens together or no cause I have ducks and I wants some chickens.?.?.

Ya know, it is 2 different enviroment's. I know people can do it, but a duck has to be able to submerge their WHOLE FACE into water. chick's will drown in that much water.. I think after they are feathered out.. Glad you asked cause some people have no idea on how to care for fowl, they can make a simple mistake and they have just lost a beloved animal.. There is a begginers Fourm for questions on this.. I don't know it right off??
Heated buckets work good if you can get power or have power in your coops but you really don't need to have food and water over night once your ducks are around 8 weeks old.

We free range them during the day (except when it is bitter cold then we don't allow them out), but in winter we keep food and water out as much as possible. We also put them in at dusk which is like 4:30pm for part of the winter and dawn is after 8:30am. I can't bear to not have food and water for them that whole time when it is so cold, so we give new food and water at their bedtime and then when it's super cold we do it again when we go to bed...unless of course I can't chip the darn door open! Lol. We ran an extension cord for heated waterers, but I am unimpressed with all three we've tried. I end up watering them 4-5 times a day anyway.

It is their only water. I have several that I use at once! The holes are actually oval. They need to be large enough that the ducks whole head fits in. I put the buckets in a small kiddie pool too. I have backups, that way I can fill them in the house and carry them out. I bring the used ones in and put them in the bathtub to defrost any ice and clean them.

I am SO doing this before winter. Inexpensive and no skating rink sound good to me. We had this enormous ice sculpture by the pen last year from me dumping frozen water dishes 3-5 x day for 5 months! Thank you for sharing.


Newest members to my feathered family :)
The air cel was a good size in 2 and the chicks heads were way more developed than the body. Does this sound like the egg was 2 small?
my duck has been limping from a wound on her foot. She's done this before and then eventually got better with antibiotics and now I'm playing the wait game again. I've been helping her get to her pool and out to the field when it's time to graze and today after the drake got a hold of her good lovin she got to the side of the pool she started to point her tail down with her chest thrusting forward, and then she'd mash her head in the ground or curl it under her in a very uncomfortable looking manner all whilst shivering. So I put her in the water and she layed flat in the water and then again points her tail down and then submerged her head in water to a point that made me nervous that she wouldn't come back up. She's become very docile and just lethargic she's still eating and drinking but something is wrong. Help !

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