The Duck Thread

Pogo says he is the king of the temporary pen :) This pic is a few days old and omg has he changed since it was taken. He officially has a curly butt and a mostly green head.

Side note...our coop is getting closer and closer to being done. We have had so many setbacks because of our busy schedules but it is so cool! I cannot wait to show you when it is done :)

They are all happy because I made the pen a huge muddy mess by dumping the pool and hosing out the pen. They just love it when I turn it in to a mud pit lol.
We love getting dirty. We can just get in the pool and wash off. Very cute. All need a big hug from me.
Pogo says he is the king of the temporary pen :) This pic is a few days old and omg has he changed since it was taken. He officially has a curly butt and a mostly green head.

Side note...our coop is getting closer and closer to being done. We have had so many setbacks because of our busy schedules but it is so cool! I cannot wait to show you when it is done :)

They are all happy because I made the pen a huge muddy mess by dumping the pool and hosing out the pen. They just love it when I turn it in to a mud pit lol.

LOL. Seems like ducks are never happier than when they're playing in a mud puddle. It still makes me cringe when they do it, especially the whites, but it doesn't matter since we're not showing them this year anyway.
Pogo says he is the king of the temporary pen :) This pic is a few days old and omg has he changed since it was taken. He officially has a curly butt and a mostly green head. Side note...our coop is getting closer and closer to being done. We have had so many setbacks because of our busy schedules but it is so cool! I cannot wait to show you when it is done :) They are all happy because I made the pen a huge muddy mess by dumping the pool and hosing out the pen. They just love it when I turn it in to a mud pit lol.
They certainly do look like they're having a blast. It's the same here for us. Our busy lives keep us from building our permanent duck enclosure too. And this temporary one is a muddy mess no matter what I try to do. The ducks love it that way,but not so much me:)
OMG I LOVE THAT! Stamping their little feet in mud puddles like a toddler. Its so adorable! I purposely make mud puddles for my ducks, just to watch them noodle and stamp. A-FREAKIN-DORABLE!

I used to HATE it, but they look so happy when there is mud, I do it on purpose now too. Mine have got some nice moon craters going! I think they'll reach China in another year or so...
Hello ducky lovers! Haven't been on this thread for a while. I came for another picture fix, haha.

Does anyone here know if mallards are seasonal layers? My mallard hen should be about seven months old, but I haven't seen any eggs from her unless she's veeeery sneaky. Which I wouldn't put past her :/
Hello ducky lovers! Haven't been on this thread for a while. I came for another picture fix, haha.

Does anyone here know if mallards are seasonal layers? My mallard hen should be about seven months old, but I haven't seen any eggs from her unless she's veeeery sneaky. Which I wouldn't put past her
Yes they are you'll see eggs next spring

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