The Duck Thread

Currently no, there's a drain at the bottom with a valve out the back side, I have two large submersible pumps that I'm planning on incorporating into a water fall but that's later. It's been over a year since I dug out the small hole that is now a giant cement puddle and I imagine I'll spend at least another working on it.
Great looking ducklings, adorable.
All my boys and girls are so irritated I'm in their space right now lol. They are already figuring out to fly around the obstruction tho, think one of the drakes hit some fencing first day it was up, he's alright just a little dumfounded by its presence. I'm sure they'll be happy when your done as mine will be.
First stage is done, the hardware cloth around the bottom is removed (dug up from the dirt to keep predators from digging under the cage). I had SOOOOO much help, the ducks figured out that in my unearthing the hardware cloth there were WORMS!!!! Excitement time. Unfortunately I nearly stepped on one of the girls in her delight over a big juicy worm! LOL Hubby has gone to the store to get all the lumber for the platform. Anxious to get started. It is supposed to be in the 70's for the next week, hopefully we can get it done! I am sure we will have LOTS of help!
Question: When I get the ducklings they will be small. When can I move them outside without any warmth from heat lamps.

Also, since I already have 2 ducks can I put the babies in 1/2 of our 10x10 enclosure with a screen barrier between them and the oldies; will the oldies be more likely to accept the new ones if they can see the new ducks at night. I was hoping that since there are only 2 oldies that they would accept the babies, but I understand they probably won't. It would keep the babies safer if they all stayed together since they will be free roaming when they get old enough. My 2 oldies/hens are free roaming during the day and know how to stay out of trouble (so far). They are only in their enclosure at night. The babies will have to be in the enclosure until they are big enough to be out. Is there anything I can do to get them together?

I guess I'm odd duck out... My flock has food and water access 24/7.... Can't forage right now, everything is frozen. Plus, if I want a drink in the middle of the night, I get one, why not them? Just my way.
You're not odd duck out. My flock have free access to food and water 24/7 although sometimes their water bucket freezes. Ducks are diurnal and love their 2 am meals. And their 4 am meals as well. . . Sometimes they wake me up in middle of the night with their happy quacks when they discover spinach in the scraps bowl.

Well, that was random...

As for Ren's duck and her lil 'lings, that's so cute! She successfully hatched out such a large clutch, and now she's so protective of them. What a good mama! And she's positively gorgeous, too. Just look at those beautiful blue feathers! Looks like you have a fair number of blue bibbed in that duckling fluff pile, as well!

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