The Duck Thread

I am in need of some help deciding what to do with a slightly aggressive male pekin I have. My first group of ducklings I got this year gave me 2 females and 4 males. Then we rescued 4 more ducklings which gave us 3 males and 1 female. So now we have an abundance of males but we love them all and thought we would see how things worked out. Well now the male pekin, who seems to be closely guarding the female pekin, is now chasing the other males and has pulled some feathers out. I'm thinking of finding a home for this aggressive guy but he is mated with the female and I don't know if that will mess her up. I still have two other male pekins in the bunch. I don't really have the space to add more females to the group but I don't really want to rehome any either. I would love any suggestions on how to make sure everyone is happy :)
That is way too many males for only three girls. I'd onlly have one unless you plan on adding a bunch of females to the mix I'd pick your favorite and gentle drake out of the bunch and rehome the rest. I myself have a pekin drake and he is definitely very protective over my girls.. Maybe it's a pekin thing
Just wondering if anyone has their ducks on fermented feed? I have a couple of adult runners, and tried them with FF when i switched our pigs and chickens over. They didn't take to it right away like the other animals on our hobby farm, so i just kept them on pellets. We have 27 ducklings right now, and they're at the age when i need to switch them over to 16% feed. I don't think i can get crumbles in the 16%. It would be easiest just to ferment the big pellets. What does everyone else do? Can ducks even eat wet food? Do you crush pellets if they can't eat them... and any ideas to get my adult ducks onto wet feed?
That is way too many males for only three girls. I'd onlly have one unless you plan on adding a bunch of females to the mix I'd pick your favorite and gentle drake out of the bunch and rehome the rest. I myself have a pekin drake and he is definitely very protective over my girls.. Maybe it's a pekin thing

Thank you. I pretty much knew this all along but I wanted to wait and see. Do you have any advice on how to find good homes for them?
Sounds like a good idea, if you wanted to breed ducks I would get more than one pair,.i think you should go for Hookbills or Alyesberry. For the white Saxony you'd probably get some other white Saxonys from her.

I don't want the white as it is not the color outlined by the Standard of Perfection. I could order some Hookbills from the states. But I can't find anyone who even has Aylesbury to get starting birds from :(

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