The Duck Thread

Just wondering if anyone has their ducks on fermented feed? I have a couple of adult runners, and tried them with FF when i switched our pigs and chickens over. They didn't take to it right away like the other animals on our hobby farm, so i just kept them on pellets. We have 27 ducklings right now, and they're at the age when i need to switch them over to 16% feed. I don't think i can get crumbles in the 16%. It would be easiest just to ferment the big pellets. What does everyone else do? Can ducks even eat wet food? Do you crush pellets if they can't eat them... and any ideas to get my adult ducks onto wet feed?
All my birds start on FF from hatch on. I have 11 ducklings and 8 chicks right now eating it. Plus all my adult ducks and geese and chickens. Mine really like FF. it's not real wet I use Sally Sunshine's method. Want the link?
Duckling pile!


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