The Duck Thread

I clean her 2-3 times a day with hydrogen peroxide and let her bathe for most of the day, her wound def seems to be getting smaller as in the dry blood around it there isn't as much but I will def try and get a better look at it thank you

I would switch to something other than the hydrogen peroxide, and here's why. I have read that it is a debriding agent - it removes a layer of cells. So I think it may actually slow the healing process. It's good for the first day, but after that, I'd go with Vetericyn or saline solution.
Four Rouens, three are quaking... the fourth is an absolutely beautiful duck. Reaaally hoping he's a male! And the two grey, I was told are RouenxRunner. However they're not standing very upright, and the one is more heavily built than every other duckling. So I guess we'll see when they mature!
It's so exciting to see how they turn out. I'm always hoping for girls though.
he's a male.
I clean her 2-3 times a day with hydrogen peroxide and let her bathe for most of the day, her wound def seems to be getting smaller as in the dry blood around it there isn't as much but I will def try and get a better look at it thank you
I would switch to something other than the hydrogen peroxide, and here's why. I have read that it is a debriding agent - it removes a layer of cells. So I think it may actually slow the healing process. It's good for the first day, but after that, I'd go with Vetericyn or saline solution.
X2 Hydrogen Peroxide can prolong the closing of the wound. Only use it the first couple of cleanings to flush stuff out.
So happy to hear she is doing well. Cleaning herself is a good sign.


I wouldn't worry about going into lockdown until you are comfortable. Some folks continue to candle until they see internal pips and then go into lock down.
Waiting until you see internal pips on some of the others will be beneficial to the late bloomer.
hatching goes well. Be sure to keep us posted.
Good question. We have those parties here also. It's very common for them to be loud at night which makes no sense to me at all because of night predators. It's like they are saying 'here we are.' OR maybe they're saying, "here we are, it's a bunch of us so stay away,"
My husband says that they can't see, that racket we hear is because they can't see and are running into each other and things in the coop! I can just picture it!! LOL

Does anyone know if ducks can see in the dark? I quite often hear mine having a party at night. If I go out to check, there isn't anything wrong, just partying! LOL

I notice on our game camera that they are always looking at anything (I have seen a coon and a coyote on the camera) that is messing around their enclosure at night. Just wondering how well they can see.

Thanks in advance,
Hi, i googled "duck vision" and this is what i read...
they see much better than humans and their night vision is poor, but they see UV better than us which helps them spot food and shiny objects better. chickens have this uv vision also. i read that chickens have nearsighted in one eye (left eye, i think) and farsighted in the other eye, that is why they cock their head to one side and look up in the sky w/the same eye. very cool, huh. the human eye is also amazing.
Hello all :) I was hoping to get some advice if I could. I have 11 Indian runner eggs currently in my DIY incubator that I rescued after mama duck died
I only guessed that she was laying about a week or so,which would make this coming weekend lockdown time. My first question is if I don't have the dates right, how detrimental is it to go in to lockdown too early or too late?
Second question is that one of the eggs that I first thought was a dud started growing once in the incubator so he's at least a full week behind the rest. Will he be fine with lockdown humidity? Could I wrap some paper towel around him to absorb some? Any other ideas?
I only have the 1 incubator and it's not very spacious.
Thanks lovelies :)
Hi incubating duck eggs can be very tricky. are all the eggs from one duck? so you think mama duck was sitting on the eggs for 1 week and then she died? so how many days have you had them in the bator? do you know what you are looking at if you candle the eggs? can you tell what day each egg is at when you candle. there are site that show day by day development of an egg, so you know how old the egg is. putting the eggs in lockdown on day 15 (for example) is not good. have you candled them at all? how large is the AC (air cell) today?
this is a good read...
I would switch to something other than the hydrogen peroxide, and here's why.  I have read that it is a debriding agent - it removes a layer of cells.  So I think it may actually slow the healing process.  It's good for the first day, but after that, I'd go with Vetericyn or saline solution.:hugs
Ok I will do so then! Thank you she seems more active today so I'm hoping that a great sign! But I will be def be buying that product again thank you
Hi incubating duck eggs can be very tricky. are all the eggs from one duck? so you think mama duck was sitting on the eggs for 1 week and then she died? so how many days have you had them in the bator? do you know what you are looking at if you candle the eggs? can you tell what day each egg is at when you candle. there are site that show day by day development of an egg, so you know how old the egg is. putting the eggs in lockdown on day 15 (for example) is not good. have you candled them at all? how large is the AC (air cell) today?
this is a good read...

Thank you so much for your response! Let's see here..
-All eggs from same mama (was our only female
). They're free ranging and while she's had her secret nest for a while, she only started to seriously sit for about a week or so prior.
-I candled them the day I put them in the incubator (May 29 in, so 17 days in incubator now) and according to the duck egg candling chart floating around, they looked like what day 8 looks like.. veins, and a wee blob with a beating heart
- candled last night but forgot to mark the latest air sac progress. They now look somewhere between day 20-24. Took shitty pics but will post them.
- I've hatched chicks but not ducks!

After reading the link you shared:

-ive never misted the eggs. They have cooled for 5ish minutes while candling and or turning
- they've been turned 2-4 times a day depending if work day or not
- they seem to be growing to one side of the egg... is this normal?
- all 11 of them are really active buggers ;)
- how long is incubation for Indian runners?? I assume less than the 33-37 for muscovies?

Let's see if I can figure out a pic here...
Hi, i googled "duck vision" and this is what i read...
they see much better than humans and their night vision is poor, but they see UV better than us which helps them spot food and shiny objects better. chickens have this uv vision also. i read that chickens have nearsighted in one eye (left eye, i think) and farsighted in the other eye, that is why they cock their head to one side and look up in the sky w/the same eye. very cool, huh. the human eye is also amazing.
Thanks! That is interesting!

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