The Duck Thread

Here's him and his brother Pippy :) Einstein is the brown one

Hi duck friends! Not sure if this is the right thread to post this to, but in am new to this, so bear with me. I am a chicken person, but I'm looking for a pair of runner ducks as a Christmas gift for my sister. I am having trouble finding any and was hoping y'all could help. I am in Mooresville NC, which is just north of Charlotte NC. Is there anyone out there that may have a lead on anyone who might have a few too many runners they could part with? Thanks for any help you could give.

@Ren2014 Here's the pic of the ponds after modifying the waterfall. Still doing some rock work around the perimeter. The one in the foreground is the pond re-dug this year, and the liner was put in just in September.

Without a filter it doesn't take long to get the pond smell. Replaced about 1/4 of the water about 2 weeks ago. It helped a little. The plan is to use the pond water for the gardens, then refill the ponds with our well water. It should work out well during the growing season with great fertilizer, and a constant supply of some fresh water to the ponds.

@Chicken Egg 17 Here's how we dug the most recent pond. It was actually re-dug, after originally being lined with clay. I put steps going all the way to the bottom if I need to get to the bottom of the pond for cleaning or whatever. It is about 3 feet deep at the deepest point. I would suggest putting at least a top step to set rocks on to build up to the edge. Having a top step will also help if a chicken would decide to go in the pond. My chickens, and chicks always explore around the edges, and everyone likes to drink the pond water. They also are given fresh water daily, but they mostly like to drink pond water.

The left side was expanded after getting the pond liner home, and seeing how it was way overestimated on how much liner was needed. Some liner was still cut off, and I have enough for another small pond, that I plan to install next year.

I suggest that you re-think about using a waterproof tarp as a liner, as that won't be sufficient to last very long. A sufficient pond liner is fish safe and 45 mil thick, and has a 30 year guarantee. You could also consider pure clay, but needs to be 12" thick to hold water.

Hope your project works out well, and please keep us posted.

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