The Duck Thread

Gd evening Nana Kat, yes, it said 6 scoops of feed to 1 scoop of scratch in 5gl bucket filled with water. Let it set 3 days, strain out an feed
I just built them a condo of a p
en, lol
Gd evening Nana Kat, yes, it said 6 scoops of feed to 1 scoop of scratch in 5gl bucket filled with water. Let it set 3 days, strain out an feed
that is exactly what I use. You need organic apple cider vinegar the first time then use the strained liquid for next batch and so on. I use an all flock or grower and offer oyster shells on side. I feed around 10 when I let them out and at night when I lock them up. Ive also added peas, vitamins, cracked corn, and sometimes add in a feather fixer feed. Im feeding a bunch of different breeds and ages so I dont use a layer feed but you could if you prefer. I love it. My coop smells much better they love it. When you first start they seem to eat like crazy but level out after a week or two. I'll try to find a link I found to a helpful site about it. I use crumble.
Wow! What an egg! I hope she got some extra treats for making that!

Could you describe how you knew she was having trouble laying? My ducks have been laying eggs for a little while now, but I worry that I won't know what symptoms to look for if one of them has trouble.

Also, pretty please, a photo of your duck? I keep thinking Saxonys would be fun to add to my flock
Thank you! You should definitely add Saxonies to your flock! If your duck is having trouble laying an egg, she will be sitting down a lot, and you will see pulsing around her tail and rear-end. She could also adjust her wings continuously, because she is uncomfortable. If an egg does not come out the next day, and your duck seems very sickly, she could be egg-bound. (laying on her side, breathing heavily, vomiting...etc.) This could be serious. Sometimes, if she skips an egg, but seems like her normal self, it is okay. Sometimes, ducks skips days of laying.
Anyways, here's a pic of my girl, Cuddles.
Sorry, I don't have any recent pictures of her at the moment, but this was when she was less or about one year old. Her plumage hasn't fully set in. She is much more vibrant now. Sorry for her patchy head. She didn't have the best time during mating season...
My one and only Aylesbury duck egg is only on day 23 but when I candled it I could see it's bill was trying to stretch the membrane into the aircell!! Shall I put it into lockdown early? Will it be ok or is that fatal to put them in there a couple days early? Thankyou for any advice given.
Do anyone know what type of duck are these duckling ? And why is the yellow one always peakinh the black one since i bought the black one for companion? The black one doesnt peak back tho :lol: btw those two just dont drink any water in the jug i made for them they just drink when i pour the water in a small bowl
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Yellow one looks like an appleyard and the black one looks like a mallard
They can get annoyed with each other if they don't have enough brooder space. How big is your brooder?
And the drinking habit is normal. It's messier, but it's just something that comes with the territory ;)
Thank you! You should definitely add Saxonies to your flock! If your duck is having trouble laying an egg, she will be sitting down a lot, and you will see pulsing around her tail and rear-end. She could also adjust her wings continuously, because she is uncomfortable. If an egg does not come out the next day, and your duck seems very sickly, she could be egg-bound. (laying on her side, breathing heavily, vomiting...etc.) This could be serious. Sometimes, if she skips an egg, but seems like her normal self, it is okay. Sometimes, ducks skips days of laying. Anyways, here's a pic of my girl, Cuddles. Sorry, I don't have any recent pictures of her at the moment, but this was when she was less or about one year old. Her plumage hasn't fully set in. She is much more vibrant now. Sorry for her patchy head. She didn't have the best time during mating season...
Look at her. Very puff softie looking and NEEDS me to scoop her.
I wish there was something we could do to help. It makes for such a long day and night when all you can think of is the little lost babies. But you must keep the faith that all will be ok. And look back on this experience and wonder how you ever got thru it.
But of course, I'm mad as hell that anyone could lose a box that's talking to them. It's not as though you could ignore it.

That made me spit soda out of my mouth and smile anyway. Thanks, not sure how either.

Crying with you yooper, I am so nervous for you ducks/chicks shipment.  Since there are a lot of them, hopefully the temperature won't be such an issue.  How much gro-gel was left in the EEs box?  There you can get an idea of how much Ideal ships / bird.  If they still have gro-gel today, they should make tomorrow I would think.  All you can do is be ready.  Make sure you have save-a-chick on hand, sugar, water, maybe some sign board you can make a divider with if necessary in case some are weak to keep them isolated from the others.  Multiple makeshift waterer and feeder possibilities for the same reason. (Just some tubs or bottles in case you have to make say 3 zones for a couple days all with their own water and food.)  Hope for the best and be prepared for the worst.  Also you might want to have some vet wrap available before hand in case you have spraddle leg or other issues to deal with from an extended or rough shipment - not a bad thing to have in your first aid kit anyway.  Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. :fl :hugs :fl  
The EEs had cucumbers and no heat pad so I had pretty high hopes for duck order but still no word on it so I'm quickly realizing they wont be coming... if you have time can you tell me how to notice/treat spraddle leg. Im at work so I'll have to talk my son or husband through it and have them read about it on here.

Gd evening Nana Kat, yes, it said 6 scoops of feed to 1 scoop of scratch in 5gl bucket filled with water. Let it set 3 days, strain out an feed

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