The Duck Thread

Today maybe, not tomorrow. (They might still be munching on their yolk sacks).  (Assuming they hatched/shipped Tuesday again).

I put some chicks in with them and I think they figured it out but its been sleeping time sooooo. I had two eat off my fingers earlier. I don't really want to leave till I know for sure....
Clear fluid could just be water. How is he otherwise eating good doing all things drakes do this time of year? which is mating every chance he gets. lol
Lol. Before, he did not eat much and did not want to mate with the female. I let him rest for a few days, and gave him lots of bath time. The swelling has gone done, but not completely. Now, he is eating much more, and is once again mating often. Thanks for the advice! :)
I need help to figure out what's wrong with my duckling. It's an indian runner duck. I dont know what gender it is. It's not able to stand up, and cant really walk. It is very skinny and rarely eats, if I pick it up and try to give it Food, it just falls asleep in my hand. It has Been like this since it got out of the egg. It also needed help to get out of the egg because it's so weak. If it loses balance and lands on it's back, it needs help to get up, or Else it will just lay there.

I really need help to figure out whats wrong with my duckling, and how to cure it. Thanks
I need help to figure out what's wrong with my duckling. It's an indian runner duck. I dont know what gender it is. It's not able to stand up, and cant really walk. It is very skinny and rarely eats, if I pick it up and try to give it Food, it just falls asleep in my hand. It has Been like this since it got out of the egg. It also needed help to get out of the egg because it's so weak. If it loses balance and lands on it's back, it needs help to get up, or Else it will just lay there.

I really need help to figure out whats wrong with my duckling, and how to cure it. Thanks
Maybe try and syringe some vitamins or sugar water. My quail chick was the same I have it a couple drops of vitamin powder in water every hour and the next day it was like it's sibling.
I need help to figure out what's wrong with my duckling. It's an indian runner duck. I dont know what gender it is. It's not able to stand up, and cant really walk. It is very skinny and rarely eats, if I pick it up and try to give it Food, it just falls asleep in my hand. It has Been like this since it got out of the egg. It also needed help to get out of the egg because it's so weak. If it loses balance and lands on it's back, it needs help to get up, or Else it will just lay there.

I really need help to figure out whats wrong with my duckling, and how to cure it. Thanks
Syringe use with out needle should be done very carefully with just tiny drop right into the mouth not shot down the throat.

Vitamins such as Poultry Nutri drench is excellent for helping newly hatched ducklings etc get on their feet. Directions on bottle and TSC carries it. Use this asap.
Alright thank you
Btw my Appleyard feet skin is peeling off today is it ok??

My duckling webs change to purple blue today !!! The colors kinda looks like bruise of human !!! What is it :(? And one side of its neck seems to lose some fur ...
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My duckling webs change to purple blue today !!! The colors kinda looks like bruise of human !!! What is it
? And one side of its neck seems to lose some fur ...
@Dennyis could he have hurt his foot some how? and how old is your duckling? when they start losing their down and start growing in their feather they can look kind of sparse in areas. Or is another duck picking on him? Can you see pin feathers coming in on your duck?
could he have hurt his foot some how?  and how old is your duckling? when they start losing their down and start growing in their feather they can look kind of sparse in areas. Or is another duck picking on him?  Can you see pin feathers coming in on your duck?  

He's 10 days old, will the bruise get lost several days or i have to treat him? The other duck is Mallard and i always see him bite the mallard one :)) except for when meal time the Mallard always scramble the food and peak his nostril thats why hes so thin :( Im heading home i'll take a picture later
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