The Element War RP

even bore Omasho stopped she jumped off him with grace "i said, leave me BE" the ground beneath them seemed to rumble at her anger when she stomped her foot "this is my home, i am not going to go off to the fire nation"
"And I was ordered to protect you, so I am following orders and staying. Your going to the fire nation tomorrow, it's not my choice it's your fathers."
she sigh "i might as well wait to snapped at my father" she mutters and sat down, Omashu was stalking something in here, going to get a snack, Kyoshi seemed to be, well, frankly, hurt
He sat next to her, letting there arms brush so she would know he was there. "Is having to go to the fire nation bugging you?"
"i can sense youa re there" she said "you dont need to brush me or any of that, yesh" she said, avoiding saying any thing about the other part

Omashu came bounding out chasing cave hoppers, trying to eat the small bugs
"I did it on purpose, not just because your blind, idiot. Now, answer my question. What is bugging you?"
at the word idoit Omashu growled at Radien "you might want to be carefully for what you call me, omashu sometimes can be very protective ove me' she said sweetly. "and you want to know why? i hate being treated like a helpless child, not aloud to be trained past the basics in earth bending, not being told what happen to the begin of my first four years of life "
"Meh, I could turn the thing into a dust ball if I wanted. They just think of you that way because Your blind."
"if you do that i will turn you into bloody pancake" she mutters then said "i know, and i try to show them other wise but it never works, you wonder why i do bending matches?"

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