The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

Photos of the boys today, and nosy butt Athena. She is a pip, that gal. Nosy, in your face, loves to bite (gonna get that out of her when I don't have a camera in my hand).

ETA: and the garden in progress. You can see in the upper right the meadow grass is growing really well.

Found this kite in my late Dad's basement and grabbed it to be a sort of scarecrow for the garden. Hope it keeps bunnies out!
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Good looking garden, Cyn! Garden season here is just starting but I'm happy to say I've actually managed to move some compost and plant some seeds all by myself! Since I missed garden cleanup last fall because of my broken foot, I've got quite the mess to deal with. But I'm finally out of the boot and starting to get back to normal. My garden is nowhere near the size of yours though.
Good looking garden, Cyn! Garden season here is just starting but I'm happy to say I've actually managed to move some compost and plant some seeds all by myself! Since I missed garden cleanup last fall because of my broken foot, I've got quite the mess to deal with. But I'm finally out of the boot and starting to get back to normal. My garden is nowhere near the size of yours though.

I missed a TON with my broken ankle, as you know, so I can relate. While some folks would love to lay around and use that as an excuse, I just hated it. I don't like being held back.

The garden has had quite a lot of watering from rain the last few days so needs weeding already.
I missed a TON with my broken ankle, as you know, so I can relate. While some folks would love to lay around and use that as an excuse, I just hated it. I don't like being held back.
Boy, I agree - gardening and poultry care are all my own projects and not being able to do them was killing me! Even though I was amazed and grateful for all the help DH put in - and still is a bit - taking care of the chickens, I was agonizing over if he was doing it to my standards (that's terrible, I know!) - and he doesn't talk to them like I do!
The only thing he will do in the garden is rototill, but this year I am getting creative and just adding compost and planting down through it. I've been building up my soil for years with used straw from the horse stalls and compost from the chickens. I love to plant a lot of different varieties of garlic - I try new ones every year (it's a bit like trying new breeds of chickens - very addictive!) but last fall, garlic planting time, I was laid up. I was so upset about it that I secretly hobbled out when no one was around and planted a couple of rows of garlic with some of what I had on hand. It was very painful and probably didn't help the healing process but the inner satisfaction of knowing there would be a little bit of garlic this summer was worth it!! Nothing like my normal huge crop but something. These are the little things that make life worth living!
Cyn your garden looks great!!!

We got a little bottle calf here. His mom (Princess) wouldnt let him nurse and on top of that he is premature! The new bull put her into labor. I will get pics soon!
Boy, I agree - gardening and poultry care are all my own projects and not being able to do them was killing me! Even though I was amazed and grateful for all the help DH put in - and still is a bit - taking care of the chickens, I was agonizing over if he was doing it to my standards (that's terrible, I know!) - and he doesn't talk to them like I do!
The only thing he will do in the garden is rototill, but this year I am getting creative and just adding compost and planting down through it. I've been building up my soil for years with used straw from the horse stalls and compost from the chickens. I love to plant a lot of different varieties of garlic - I try new ones every year (it's a bit like trying new breeds of chickens - very addictive!) but last fall, garlic planting time, I was laid up. I was so upset about it that I secretly hobbled out when no one was around and planted a couple of rows of garlic with some of what I had on hand. It was very painful and probably didn't help the healing process but the inner satisfaction of knowing there would be a little bit of garlic this summer was worth it!! Nothing like my normal huge crop but something. These are the little things that make life worth living!
You and I have a lot in common, it seems. I see more detail than DH does, though, giving credit where credit is due, he does occasionally tell me so-and-so looks a bit lethargic and he does do daily crop massages on Caroline. He's noticed how slow my black Ameraucana, Gypsy, has become and that she's lost some weight, though she's always been lean like most Ameraucanas. She is going on 9 years old, though, so will have to watch her closely.

Cyn your garden looks great!!!

We got a little bottle calf here. His mom (Princess) wouldnt let him nurse and on top of that he is premature! The new bull put her into labor. I will get pics soon!
Wow, poor baby! I'm sure you'll take awesome care of him, though. He'll be spoiled rotten.

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