The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

We lived in Utah (twice) with twelve years in Dayton, Ohio sandwiched in between, all preceded by nine months in Denver, Colorado (the nine months of my first pregnancy-Michael was born in Aurora and we left when he was just 3 weeks old). So, snow, we have had. The worst weather was Dayton with -25* actual temps, -50* windchill plus a foot of snow on top of ice. Ick and double ick. No mountains for scenery, just lots of YUCK.

DH retired from the Air Force while in Utah. We had 100" of snow one of those last years. It just went higher and higher and higher. We lived on a corner and the snow plows rounded that corner, dumping tons in front of our house. We had snow walls on either side of our driveway for almost six months. But, that dry cold, they take in stride in the west and all the kids were at the school bus stop in jackets and some in shorts. Mine had to wear jeans, but yeah, it was a fun winter, lol.
Snow is losing it's charm out here too. Gojira - sounds like a great hatch
I know the snow and cold temps are hard on everyone and their flocks but your video was beautiful. I am glad to know that Isaac felt well enough to crow this morning.

I listen for a telltale sign of weakness in his crow. It was that way with Suede. And it started like that with Rex, too. So far, Isaac sounds strong. He is made of strong stuff, that one.
So far, all four of Rowena's eggs have hatched, and seven of the ten eggs of the older hens have hatched. The last three could hatch, but not sure. Even so, not bad, especially with the power outage.
So far, all four of Rowena's eggs have hatched, and seven of the ten eggs of the older hens have hatched. The last three could hatch, but not sure. Even so, not bad, especially with the power outage.
Eleven out of sixteen already hatched? That is fabulous! Maybe one more will arrive late and make it an even dozen for you. Strong babies!
Out of the original 16, only 14 developed past the first few days, but yes, 11 have hatched so far. And yes, they are very strong babies. I will try to get pictures later.
Out of the original 16, only 14 developed past the first few days, but yes, 11 have hatched so far. And yes, they are very strong babies. I will try to get pictures later.

Not too shabby, eh? Of course you know how to operate an incubator very well and probably didn't do the wrong thing when the power went out, either (cover all the air holes, etc). I remember you said that two were quitters, probably Gloria Jean's, not even straight BR anyway. But starting with 16 and having a power outage that long, having 11 hatch is actually pretty successful.
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I know incubators in general, but I just recently went from a 25 year old Hovabator to an almost new Dickey. But I did not panic, and things turned out better than I expected considering the outage. My son is excited. I had lunch with him yesterday, and told him about the activity to that point. He will get to see them this weekend.

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