The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

How much chow-chow do you make at a time? I've heard of it, but never eaten it.

I've only made it once and got about 8 jars (small cabbage patch). I am eating on the last jar now. It's like a zingy coleslaw almost, sort of crunchy relish. I love it on burgers or even a little bit on the side of a meal. I see it sold in stores and feel satisfied knowing mine probably tastes much fresher. Thanks to Robin (wekiva bird) for her great recipe!
Look up a recipe for curtido sometime. It's a very similar pickled cabbage slaw from El Salvador that I had as a tiny relish side dish at a really nice Mexican restaurant a few months ago. I have a Salvadoran son in law, and he says it's served with everything down there. The stuff was great, but I haven't quite gotten up the nerve to do it myself yet.
Just shoot me now. Sammie Jo has hurt her right leg badly somehow and she can't really stand on it. I can't feel a break or swelling at the moment but she collapses onto her hock on that side. Most likely, she jumped off the roost board like a spazz that she is and landed wrong, or Deacon jumped on her in a weird position. I just pray it will heal up and I don't have to put down a (finally) healthy pullet who just started back laying eggs again. She is separated into Zane's cage to limit her movement and will get aspirin, vitamins and extra protein and we'll hope for the best. I don't know how much more of this I can deal with, not after losing four birds in the last week. I'm trying like heck to make a quilt but it's hard to concentrate on it.
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So sorry again, Cyn - sometimes words just don't seem like enough.

Thanks. I hope she just sprained it badly. Leg injuries can take time to heal, if they're going to do so. Maybe a few days and she'll show improvement.

Meanwhile, we had a big scare about my black Rock, Emily. She and the old ladies and Lizzie were free ranging. When I went to round them up, could not find Emily. We looked over the main two acres, calling, under whatever coop she could get her big butt underneath. Nada. I got my jeans on and went to the other lot (fence is still down, awaiting scraping of the line), thinking if a fox or something managed to snatch her without a sound, at least I'd find a pile of black feathers. She has a bum leg and can't run very fast, so a good target for predators.

After an exhausting search, DH had an idea. Emily has been found. If she had not, she would have been safe except from the wrath of June and the amorous attentions of Isaac-she was inside their coop! Good grief. I'd seen the human door to Ike's coop hanging open, no idea why, when the old ladies were ranging and called to Tom to close it. He did, but of course, did not look inside. She was in there, nice and safe and revisiting her old home. Silly hen, we looked and hiked and called and she was just fine, just in the wrong place.
I really needed that, Emmy, thanks a heap.

Through all this, trying to maintain a peaceful mind and quilt. I've already sewed a strip or two on the wrong side and had to un-sew it and do it right, all because I'm distracted.
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I think you need to have a good talk with your flock. You must impress upon them that if they keep scaring you to death - one day they will have to fill their own water bowl and get a job to keep the chicken feed coming. I'm short of breath and shaky just reading about their "adventures," and they aren't even mine.
@speckledhen first of all, I'm so sorry for all your bad luck lately. When it rains, it pours. I've included some pics of one of Ty and Cheyenne's chicks that I would love your input on. The chicks will be one month old on Thurs and are growing like weeds. This one in particular is almost snowy white and quite a bit larger than the others and already has lg wings and tail feathers. Any idea on the breed?


I think you need to have a good talk with your flock. You must impress upon them that if they keep scaring you to death - one day they will have to fill their own water bowl and get a job to keep the chicken feed coming. I'm short of breath and shaky just reading about their "adventures," and they aren't even mine.
I need ice cream. I know you relate to that, don't ya?

@speckledhen first of all, I'm so sorry for all your bad luck lately. When it rains, it pours. I've included some pics of one of Ty and Cheyenne's chicks that I would love your input on. The chicks will be one month old on Thurs and are growing like weeds. This one in particular is almost snowy white and quite a bit larger than the others and already has lg wings and tail feathers. Any idea on the breed?

Lisa, since Ty is actually 1/4 Delaware, that is probably the Delaware coloring coming out in his kiddo. The Dellie silver-based white is strong! I couldn't tell you which one is his mama for sure.
Cyn, I hoped that was what you were going to say! I thought it, but didn't want to get my hopes up. The chick is beautiful. All of them are, they are such a mixed lot of colors, o can't wait to see how they mature. But I prayed really hard for a Delaware!

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