The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

Cyn, I just "liked" the Blue Roo Facebook page - waiting for the auction...

Oh, thank you! You're a peach! Trying to get the last side done on the binding and take new photos of it, working against a headache and carpal tunnel, but I'll have it up by sometime tomorrow.
I'm really looking forward to getting my quilt! I've never had a "real" hand-made one before and it's nice to know it was sewn by an online friend. It will be a real connection to all the stories I've enjoyed of your mountain home, chickens, barn-building, quilting (and Finn!). Thanks for it all, Cyn!
I'm really looking forward to getting my quilt! I've never had a "real" hand-made one before and it's nice to know it was sewn by an online friend. It will be a real connection to all the stories I've enjoyed of your mountain home, chickens, barn-building, quilting (and Finn!). Thanks for it all, Cyn!

I'm very happy it was you! I think it turned out rather nicely, if I do say so myself, very cheerful. I hope you like it and your extra goodies when you get them at the end of next week!

So, since you like the stories, here's one for you involving Atlas.

Yesterday, while the Old Hens group was out of their pen, I had to go into Atlas's pen to do something. Gloria Jean pushed the door open and ran out, nutty hen, and before I could grab him, Atlas followed her. First thing he did? He ran for the gorgeous bearded lady, my Gypsy. He had her down and she was struggling and yelling, not having had to deal with a rooster for years now. For about a 1/100th of a second, I thought, maybe I should let him fertilize that gal since she is currently laying at almost 9 years old, but then, I remembered her pretty blue eggs are rather smallish and the shells are not super strong. I sure would love to have a chick out of Gypsy, but I did the right thing and plucked that big boy off poor squashed Gypsy. Atlas was not pleased, having gotten the girl he's had his eye on for a year or more, not being able to get to her in her separate coop/pen, but being the gentleman he is, he didn't even nip me (never has, such a good boy, but hey, he's still a rooster and will go for the forbidden women every chance he gets). Then began the Keystone Cops chase for Gloria Jean. She is a royal PITA sometimes.
Lol poor Gypsy! I hatched a few thin shell eggs and they did fine but they do pass that down to offspring sometimes. Now I am wondering what a Gypsy/Atlas baby would look like...
Lol poor Gypsy! I hatched a few thin shell eggs and they did fine but they do pass that down to offspring sometimes. Now I am wondering what a Gypsy/Atlas baby would look like...
Gypsy's are thin-shelled only because of her age. She only lays in a few spurts a year at her age. They used to be fine so it's just old age.

I know exactly what a Gypsy/Atlas baby would look like. I've hatched plenty of Barred Easter Eggers when I have the BBS Ameraucanas running with Barred Rock roosters. Panda is one, though she is beardless. She was out of Gypsy's blue mother with Zane, so she is Gypsy's half sister. And I had a blue barred EE in Riley, who passed away a few years ago, probably one of the prettiest hens I ever owned, Gypsy and Panda's other half sister (also Charlotte's daughter). Of course, Gypsy x Atlas would give a black barred bird, not blue barred.


Gypsy, Panda and Riley's mother, Charlotte.
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