The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

I also prefer type over almost anything (within reason). A noticeably smaller cockerel would not impress me as a breeder, no matter how beautiful he is. Cockerel #4 looks like he is getting some really nice barring too.

Agreed. And in this pic in particular, you can see the size difference, both height and breadth, of one of the big guys and the smallest one on the end. Thankfully, the smaller male will be so impressive in his coloring, I should have little trouble selling him. He'll improve the coloring of someone's hatchery flock of BRs, I bet.

Entirely off topic, but I went to my late father's house one last time before the Got Junk folks come on Thursday to take the rest of it. Brought back this colorful handmade quilt, not sure which grandmother made it since both mine quilted. And @holm25 Isaiah, if you PM me your address, I have something I found there that I want to send you.
Don't get too excited, it's not much, so I'll add something else for you, too.

Entirely off topic, but I went to my late father's house one last time before the Got Junk folks come on Thursday to take the rest of it. Brought back this colorful handmade quilt, not sure which grandmother made it since both mine quilted. And @holm25 Isaiah, if you PM me your address, I have something I found there that I want to send you.
Don't get too excited, it's not much, so I'll add something else for you, too.

Beautiful! I wonder how old it is.
My Grandmother use to buy feed and scratch grains for her chickens in feed sacks. They were pretty sturdy cotton. Patterns of all different kinds I know she made quilts from the scraps left from making clothes for us little ones. The patterned pieces may have been from them. I wish they still made the bags with material, it really was nice to pick from a pretty pattern on them.
I have feed sack pillow cases with crocheted edges I use now that I found down there. Love those! So soft and comfy.

Oh, blast from the past, Atlas as a teenager! I saw this in a message thread from August 2014 I was in and it just hit me that I should post it, maybe compare with his sons at that age in the not-too-distant future. You can see his barring in his tail is not entirely straight across, something I hope is corrected now that his sons have less Delaware in them than he does, but he sure had promise, didn't he?


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