The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

Love those round, fat, little fluffy babies.
Great job hatching!
The Day After Pics. One of the chicks is smaller than most of them but he/she is quite feisty, very active. You can probably see him (seems male from the legs to me) in the center of the first picture, looks like the down is plastered on its head still.

I see quite a few of each sex, I think. But, they are so active, it's hard to take a count of darker legs vs lighter legs, LOL.

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Good thing I keep the cage door latched. One little fat goober took a leap for the edge when I opened it and sat down to play with them, almost made it, too. And then I saw another/same? chick jump all the way over another one that was standing up fully, just leap-frogged right over. They have quite a spring in their step for a day old!
EEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Babies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are beautiful!!! So excited for you.

Thanks! It was a very good hatch. I just wish I'd gotten to the one that was stuck faster. The chick was humongous, not a smidge of airspace left in that egg. But, I had checked not long before and when I saw the run of sticky gunk down the side of the egg, it was already too late. But, 12 is a good number.

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