The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

Nice! I had made my own laundry soap once, but it entailed cooking the ingredients, making a kind of cream. I didn't think it worked all that well, but we both have physical, dirty jobs that make for smelly laundry. Let us know how well it works for you.

Did well for the first load. It all seems clean.

I have another additive for whites that is not bleach, it's a powder. Was thinking about adding it to another batch, maybe separating some out and adding this powder to it just for whites. Supposed to do better than OxiClean or bleach for dingy whites, especially on red clay, something we have plenty of around here. Someone recommended it on a YouTube channel. But, we'll see.

My son has been teaching English as second language overseas for the last five years, first year in the Republic of Georgia and the rest of the time in South Korea. This morning, he announced this:

@sumi ,
you'll be interested in this. Guess this is truly his last year in Korea, then. His current contract runs out next August.
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My son has been teaching English as second language overseas for the last five years, first year in the Republic of Georgia and the rest of the time in South Korea. This morning, he announced this:

@sumi ,
you'll be interested in this. Guess this is truly his last year in Korea, then. His current contract runs out next August.
Wonderful! I hope it will out for him, Cynthia. He will LOVE Ireland and we can team up and get you to come visit
Wonderful! I hope it will out for him, Cynthia. He will LOVE Ireland and we can team up and get you to come visit

Nope, no way. I have zero desire to ever get on a plane again. I have not flown since before 9/11, hated it even then and the longest flight I ever took was from Utah to Georgia, only about 4 hours. No way I'd get on a plane again. He will be there for just the Master's program and then, I guess come back to the States. I think that's his plan, anyway, though he may love Ireland and want to stay once he gets there.
We'll have to find you a ship then
Many people fall in love with Ireland and decide to stay here…
We'll have to find you a ship then
Many people fall in love with Ireland and decide to stay here…

Haha, if I can't drive or walk, I don't go. I know it's beautiful, but I have never had any desire to go anywhere else. My son, on the other hand, would be quite the traveler if he has the money for it.
Becca, my oldest BR, passed at just before 4 a.m. Tom buried her in the dark of night before rigor set in, the hole having already been in place next to Caroline's. The roosters let us know over the baby monitor. And now, Tom is a mess...and he's out looking for Finn who hasn't come home since midnight. It's highly unusual for him to be gone this long.

Becca made it to 9 yrs 8 months old. Amanda is the same age. Gypsy is next, having just turned 9 this month, with a few right behind her.

ETA: Whew, Finn just came home, but without his collar. He's kept this one for several weeks. Wonder if he got stuck somewhere. Winds are howling, temps will be dropping into the 30's tonight and for several nights, first time this season we've had truly cold night temps.
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