The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

Bleach will kill bacteria (at a high enough concentration), vinegar will not - it just makes it harder for them to grow and multiply, harder but not impossible.

Well you could call me a hoarder, but it is certainly not on purpose - just a bad habit. I do have enough canned food (both canned by me and purchased) to last for quite a while. Our biggest issue here would be if we had a major power outage in the winter- you can not live up here without heat. I could run my furnace (and the water pump, refrigerator and major outlets) with a generator, but you would have to have fuel for the generator. Eventually I want to add a gravity-feed gas fireplace for just-in-case cold weather outages. We are very fortunate to be surrounded by miles and miles of quite potable water, although I would likely boil it for drinking.

Mackinac Island, a big resort island located 3 1/2 miles offshore from us, had a 2-week summer power outage 10 years ago. The 3 underwater power cables that supply them all failed, and were VERY difficult to replace, both since they are underwater and very long. My generator went over to run the Lennox Hotel, a boarding house for the Island's biggest employers, housing and feeding hundreds of people (it is a very big generator!). They hauled in huge semi-sized generators to run the water plant and some of the big hotels.
One of the first things we did when we moved here was have a soapstone wood stove installed. There was a fireplace, but those are so inefficient. I love this thing, wasn't cheap, of course. Now, the Feds are trying to stop the use of woodburning stoves. Sorry, I don't care what new crap regs they come up with, this is how we heat our little house now and forever. I cannot afford to run or replace our 22 year old heatpump, not to mention, that type heat is not really warm like direct wood heat. So, my life, liberty and pursuit of happiness starts with keeping me warm in winter! They can suck eggs for all I care. I'm feeding my family and keeping us warm the best way I know how and nobody is going to stop me. So there!
I get so crazed about all that gov't control stuff, can you tell?

See, the chickens like it, too? This was our little Shadow who DH thought was too cold one winter day. Sure miss the Purple Princess.

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Me and my partner are still on year one, and Florida govt and USDA has already tried telling us we can't do solar on our land. I could care less that 30 years from now, Suburbia might think they're an eye-sore. The government is out of their mind with how much they over-reach.
Trying to regulate the use of wood stoves and solar is ridiculous and how can solar be an eye-sore? The panels are rather discreet when mounted to a roof or the side of a house, barn or shed and they're anything but sloppy looking no matter where they are. I love the idea of wind power as well (though it doesn't work quite as well here in Maine as it does in other areas) and in France they've designed wind turbines to look like tree sculptures.
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I want wind power and solar power, both.

Just watched a few episodes of Doomsday Preppers for the very first time. Had never seen the show, not once, had to go online to get to it since we have only Free-To-Air satellite TV, no pay TV like most folks. We watched the first few shows of the first season. Interesting. Even if you think some of these folks are not on the same page with you, it is thought-provoking, certainly.

Many of those folks on that show have other like-minded people to lean on, family who is close by and think the same as they do. We have no one. Can't count on either of our sons. And we are not young anymore, though I usually refuse to acknowledge it. Everything done here, we did on our own over the last 14 1/2 years, with the exception of making our extra lot into pasture and putting up the shell of the steel barn this past year. I want to do more, but not sure how much we can accomplish in the future by ourselves.
If you have space for a small cottage on your property, maybe you could have someone live in it in exchange for helping you and your husband with work around your homestead...
I LOVE my wood heat. I wish the government would govern and leave my personal life alone. There are to many restrictions as it is. IF ITS MY LAND AND i DO NOT HARM ANYONE ELSE LEAVE ME ALONE. oH, I hate the constant restrictions on us. I feel they are there just so local governments can collect more money. No other reason. I can see septic tank restrictions but really, If I want a porch built on MY home I should not have to pay the county! OH! sorry but I just had to rant a bit. How is Hector?

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