The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

Dummy me bought fresh ginger, grated it, and stored it in a plastic container. Every day I would then take a pinch of it, put it in water, microwave it, and pour it through a tea strainer into a mug. A pinch of cinnamon, a squirt of honey, and drink. Yeah, I WOULD find the hard way to do it, right?

I think fresh is the best way to go! I'd just heat the water and pour it over the ginger like you would if you were steeping tea, put a cover on it and let it steep for 5 min.

You could do it like speckled hen and add the fresh grated to a commercial tea while it's steeping.

Then I wouldn't strain out the ginger...I'd eat that too! That way you don't lose any of the good stuff :)
I'd definitely say that fresh is better. Who knows how much they put into the commercial ones? I do like the Aloha teas because the herbs are not just ground, but more chopped and in those clear, triangular shaped bags. Hope when I go back to Big Lots, there are some left.

Oh, I wrote that wrong above. I put raw honey in my tea, not the fresh ginger. I should have put a comma in there somewhere, I think, or clarified more, sorry. But, it makes sense that fresh grated would be better. The ginger root at Walmart is $4 each, not sure what others pay for theirs. I was going to get some but decided to wait until payday and the big grocery day to buy it.
I'm going to look for that aloha tea. I like the triangle bags. The last time I saw the triangle bags with the ginger pieces, they were in a tin to make them look more fancy-pants and they were selling for about $8 for very few.
I went to Big Lots today. They had three boxes of the Aloha Lovers Tea, no other flavors. Wasn't too sure about these ingredients, never heard of the combination, but it's not bad. Again, just $1 for a box of 15.
Here is what the bags look like with ingredient list for this variety following.


I also finally found some shoes at Walmart, some tennis shoes, though I hate white shoes. I wear a 7 Wide usually, in women's, however, most shoes don't have good tread, like everyone walks on sidewalks all the time. So, I found a nice pair of short, cold weather waterproof boots, a boys' size 6, with Velcro fasteners, which will be great for when it's snowy. I have some boys muck boots, but they are not going to be warm in winter. These are rated to -5*. Finding shoes for me is hard. Across the toe box, my foot is wide, with a narrower heel. Womens' shoes are usually too narrow across the toe box, must be a wide width to even dream of fitting. Boys'/mens' shoes are usually naturally wider across that area, no pointy toes.
I've been looking for tennis shoes forever. Problem is I don't like the colors in women's so I usually get men's. I just Do NOT like shopping and when I go I haven't found any that fit correctly.
I can only stand to shop for so long...I get tired of going place to place really fast!
I've been looking for tennis shoes forever. Problem is I don't like the colors in women's so I usually get men's. I just Do NOT like shopping and when I go I haven't found any that fit correctly.
I can only stand to shop for so long...I get tired of going place to place really fast!

I'm exactly the same way! I loathe shoe shopping, but at some point, I'm forced to do it. The last two pairs of tennis shoes came from the mens' dept, but they rarely are small enough. I need about a men's/boys' size 6-6 1/2 and mens' usually start at 7 1/2 or 8 and boys stop at 6 and are sometimes not quite wide enough, depending on the design of the shoe itself. Plus, I want actual tread, not this slick and even flat stuff they put on most cheaper tennis shoes today. I want rubbery, semi-deep tread. Not easy to find.

My tongue-in-cheek (well, sort of) lament of the loss of real men in America is out. May get some flack from this one, but it's really the way I feel! Real men have almost gone the way of the pterodactyl. Pterodactyls do not wear silky shirts and skinny jeans. I was just in Walmart and was looking in the men's department (I use that term loosely here). I was thinking of the line in Footloose where Ren says to Willard, "Do they sell men's clothes where you got that?"
I'm exactly the same way! I loathe shoe shopping, but at some point, I'm forced to do it. The last two pairs of tennis shoes came from the mens' dept, but they rarely are small enough. I need about a men's/boys' size 6-6 1/2 and mens' usually start at 7 1/2 or 8 and boys stop at 6 and are sometimes not quite wide enough, depending on the design of the shoe itself. Plus, I want actual tread, not this slick and even flat stuff they put on most cheaper tennis shoes today. I want rubbery, semi-deep tread. Not easy to find.

My tongue-in-cheek (well, sort of) lament of the loss of real men in America is out. May get some flack from this one, but it's really the way I feel! Real men have almost gone the way of the pterodactyl. Pterodactyls do not wear silky shirts and skinny jeans. I was just in Walmart and was looking in the men's department (I use that term loosely here). I was thinking of the line in Footloose where Ren says to Willard, "Do they sell men's clothes where you got that?"
:lau Hilarious!

I love that little Partridge (?) pullet.
While I agree about "real men" going to the wayside, I cannot say it's entirely their fault. Look at what is on tv. Do you see anything suggesting what a real man does? Yes, he drives a RAM pick up truck. He shops at The Gap, and Abercrombies. He drinks Budweiser beer. For the few fortunate enough to have had someone teach them to fish, they can go to Bass Pro, for all their sporting good needs. For those interested in shooting, there are plenty of nice indoor ranges, and the store there carries all their shooting needs. Last Man Standing was one of the few shows criticizing how men are not stepping up to the plate, teaching their children to be more self reliant. It was not politically correct, so it got cancelled.

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