The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

:lau Hilarious!

I love that little Partridge (?) pullet.

Yes, she is. There are two partridge and two blue partridge girls in that batch. One of each male, too. Even steven! Glad you got a kick out of the video, or was it my post, LOL?

My tennis shoes have HOLES in them. Or maybe I should say that I have holes with a little bit of shoe and sole left. I REALLY need to get shoes!

In other news - thought some of you might find this article worth reading. Includes a TED talk. Moral of story - we need to be careful where we get our info.

Off to listen to @speckledhen 's video :)

I'll check it out. Yes, the last two pairs of shoes had to be scrapped because the soles came completely off. The last one was repaired with Shoe Goo so I could buy time to find more shoes. I can't understand womens' fascination with shoes! I can't wear the ones they seem to like. Heck, I can't walk in them!

ETA: I read it. I've seen that in action, even in just the way a reporter asks a question. They believe they are there to manipulate public opinion, not report the factual news. That means you can trust nothing, literally NOTHING.

While I agree about "real men" going to the wayside, I cannot say it's entirely their fault. Look at what is on tv. Do you see anything suggesting what a real man does? Yes, he drives a RAM pick up truck. He shops at The Gap, and Abercrombies. He drinks Budweiser beer. For the few fortunate enough to have had someone teach them to fish, they can go to Bass Pro, for all their sporting good needs. For those interested in shooting, there are plenty of nice indoor ranges, and the store there carries all their shooting needs. Last Man Standing was one of the few shows criticizing how men are not stepping up to the plate, teaching their children to be more self reliant. It was not politically correct, so it got cancelled.

I know, it's insane. I don't want to stereotype men, mind you. My own husband is not a huge sports fan, though he follows his Univ of Georgia team when he can find the game on TV, nor does he drink, but he can fix stuff, knows stuff and can build stuff, plus he would not hesitate to run into the line of fire to protect what's his (and I don't mean just mouth off and whine). He loaded and tested bombs for the Air Force, a very dangerous job, maintained the telemetry on board the ARIA aircraft (Advanced Range Instrumentation Aircraft) and was an electronic technician that was promoted to the job of an engineer near the end of his Air Force career because of his knowledge, though he did not technically have an engineering degree. He is a logical thinker as well as a man of faith and a man of integrity. And he is loyal. He's most definitely my better half. I cannot fathom another man in my life, ever. Yes, he's still a man, you know from that other planet, which is plainly obvious at times, LOL, but he's my alien.

I would rather starve than just grab someone to support me as many older women do when they lose their first husband. My standards are way up there and I'm not open to compromise in that arena. Slim pickings in our current world. I'm afraid there are not enough real men left to draft into a real fighting force in our world, either, which worries me a great deal. Toughness is dying trait.
Yes, she is. There are two partridge and two blue partridge girls in that batch. One of each male, too. Even steven! Glad you got a kick out of the video, or was it my post, LOL?
Nice, I'm a fan of the partridge pattern.

Both of 'em but I'm rather inclined to agree with the skinny jeans remark.
Nice, I'm a fan of the partridge pattern.

Both of 'em but I'm rather inclined to agree with the skinny jeans remark.

They are pretty girls. Partridge is a very camouflaged pattern in our oak woods. My partridge hen, Bailey, has a more penciled pattern. Cora, Bash's daughter and the next generation, is better. Brandy is my very best partridge hen of all, a perfect pattern. I wish I had more like her. She is stunning. This is Brandy.


That is a lovely, strong pattern on her. Bailey's is very muddled, I think, and Cora's is in between. Not sure who Cora's mother is.
They are pretty girls. Partridge is a very camouflaged pattern in our oak woods. My partridge hen, Bailey, has a more penciled pattern. Cora, Bash's daughter and the next generation, is better. Brandy is my very best partridge hen of all, a perfect pattern. I wish I had more like her. She is stunning. This is Brandy. View attachment 1171724
View attachment 1171729
That is a lovely, strong pattern on her. Bailey's is very muddled, I think, and Cora's is in between. Not sure who Cora's mother is.
Beautiful!! :love

I raise Partridge Chanteclers. Getting that strong clean pencilling is like trying to get a camel through a needle. :barnie
:oops: I'm going to post a TED talk that I think is worth listening to. :oops:

If it is something that y'all don't want posted here I'll remove it so let me know. I just think it has information that's worth folks being aware of.

Again, the moral of the story is, be careful where you get your information.

All I could think back then was, is this all we've got to choose from? REALLY? Geez, we're truly doomed. Of all the people on the political arena, in all this big country, these are the two we have? It was rather sad, IMO. But, I really don't want to talk specifically about politics here if I can help it because that is one reason I avoid the Random Ramblings section entirely. I have not been in there in years, by design. If BYC was my kingdom, I'd get rid of that entire section...and Rob knows that is one reason I am not a moderator now. My rules would be way stricter than the BYC rules are now. I come here to get away from most of the news.

The mainstream media is so self-important, that they think we need their opinions. We don't. We need facts. I can form my own opinions, thank you very much. So, since we have no control over any of it, I try to just mind my mountain as much as possible, prepare in very real ways for the mess they're all making of our country (would have been the same or worse with the other one, or whoever was elected) and avoid most controversial subjects, as far as the world stage is concerned. But, the manipulation of information really torques me. It rips at what the media was supposed to do in the first place. Hey, George Stephanopoulos and your ilk, you can KISS MY GRITS! HA!

So, back to the important stuff, CHICKENS! MaryJo has become an escape artist. She gets along with the Brahma boys, but I put them all back in the front pen and the old ladies in the very back. I took out the shelf roost that was in there and replaced it with a simple 2x3 roost bar that goes across the 5' side. And she flies out. Found her walking the barn aisle two days ago, no idea when she flew out overnight. Last night, heard a ruckus. Tom found her roosting on top of the pen wall that divides her pen from Georgie and June's pen. I don't want to clip her wings and I feel she'll get over it when she is laying and finally will submit to a rooster. I took Zara who is her main tormentor out of the pen and put MaryJo in with Georgie's group this am., hoping she'd stay in there without Zara to stalk her and beat her up. She's 25 weeks old, for cripes sake!
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All I could think back then was, is this all we've got to choose from? REALLY? Geez, we're truly doomed. Of all the people on the political arena, in all this big country, these are the two we have? It was rather sad, IMO. But, I really don't want to talk specifically about politics here if I can help it because that is one reason I avoid the Random Ramblings section entirely. I have not been in there in years, by design. If BYC was my kingdom, I'd get rid of that entire section...and Rob knows that is one reason I am not a moderator now. My rules would be way stricter than the BYC rules are now. I come here to get away from most of the news.

The mainstream media is so self-important, that they think we need their opinions. We don't. We need facts. I can form my own opinions, thank you very much. So, since we have no control over any of it, I try to just mind my mountain as much as possible, prepare in very real ways for the mess they're all making of our country and avoid most controversial subjects, as far as the world stage is concerned. But, the manipulation of information really torques me. It rips at what the media was supposed to do in the first place. Hey, George Stephanopoulos and your ilk, you can KISS MY GRITS! HA!

So, back to the important stuff, CHICKENS! MaryJo has become an escape artist. She gets along with the Brahma boys, but I put them all back in the front pen and the old ladies in the very back. I took out the shelf roost that was in there and replaced it with a simple 2x3 roost bar that goes across the 5' side. And she flies out. Found her walking the barn aisle two days ago, no idea when she flew out overnight. Last night, heard a ruckus. Tom found her roosting on top of the pen wall that divides her pen from Georgie and June's pen. I don't want to clip her wings and I feel she'll get over it when she is laying and finally will submit to a rooster. I took Zara who is her main tormentor out of the pen and put MaryJo in with Georgie's group this am., hoping she'd stay in there without Zara to stalk her and beat her up. She's 25 weeks old, for cripes sake!
You're my new favourite person!

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