The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

SERIOUSLY? They are being one-sided? Oh, that doesn't fly with me. I avoid all the political crap-that is one reason I will never moderate this site again. I avoid Random Ramblings and the Family section entirely so I have not seen that thread. WHY are they even allowing that discussion if they are going to censor one side? That does not sound at all like the BYC I used to know. They SHOULD reopen this country. Our economy is being trashed for a virus with a 99.7% survival rate and even doctors agree, as long as they aren't that garden gnome fame whore Fauci, who has changed his tune so much, I have whiplash. I joined Gab where they don't censor free speech, unlike Twitter and Facebook. Never had Twitter or Instagram and deleted Facebook about 8 months ago. Nazis. And that is all I have to say about that. :ducTHE END.
An ole bird I might actually agree with, LOL.. The population here appears to be mostly women and mostly lefties.. I joined here when I went searching for a sustainable meat bird which I have found.. Not too many posts into my newbiness and my 1st was stepped on.. As an old farmer, I'm here for MY entertainment, I sure enough could learn something new but I suspect I have more to offer then I'm likely to receive.. Chances are I won't last long due to the environment.. So you give it to them ya ole bird.. :)
From what I've read on a lot of the threads more recently is to take advice from people that:
1. Bought chicks 4 - 6 months ago from the local feed store, and have lots of advice.
2. Haven't seen, or dealt with the problem mentioned in the thread, but have lots of advice.
3. Don't have roosters, but have lots of advice.
Those that have years of experience, have dealt with the problem mentioned, or own and have dealt with roosters, are to be discredited, or not taken seriously. It's nuts.
From what I've read on a lot of the threads more recently is to take advice from people that:
1. Bought chicks 4 - 6 months ago from the local feed store, and have lots of advice.
2. Haven't seen, or dealt with the problem mentioned in the thread, but have lots of advice.
3. Don't have roosters, but have lots of advice.
Those that have years of experience, have dealt with the problem mentioned, or own and have dealt with roosters, are to be discredited, or not taken seriously. It's nuts.
Yes, exactly. Or don't even have chickens, but know it all. And people will actually listen to them. On my channel video, had a vegan (so you know what's coming) tell me that people are too quick to put a rooster in a pot and not try to understand why he's being aggressive. Not that much to understand. Can't put him on a therapy couch and ask him "Sir, so what precipitated your act of violence today?". Either it is genetics or it's a situation that traumatized him or something you cannot figure out because you cannot ask him. And though chickens are smarter than people realize, some have rocks for brains like my D'Anvers and they wouldn't know why they did what they did even if they could tell you. You just have to deal with the result, the aggression. You don't let a vicious dog keep living and risking people's safety. You don't have to eat him! You just have to get him out of the way before he injures someone.
And do the rules allow all opinions, or just the "party line"? I'm pretty much over one-sided rules in our world at the moment. It's the "rules for thee, but not for me" crowd that makes me sick these days. If they only allow certain viewpoints, then the entire discussion should be tabled.

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