~The Fairy Wars ~ RP accepting

Fairy forms:
Name: Liessa
Age: 51
Tribe: Sun Tribe
Rank: Chief
History: She founded the Sun Tribe from the nomadic desert fairies, who now hold her in high regard. By settling once and for all the squabbles that had always been inherent in the desert nomads, she proved herself a worthy leader and unified the tribe.

Personality: She is a strong leader, capable of keeping order and establishing justice, but is also very compassionate towards others. She, like other fairies in the tribe, is very resourceful and
rarely comes across a challenge she is unwilling to take on. She is good in battle, but not remarkable.

Picture/Description: She has dark skin (like the Berbers) and curly black hair that she keeps in a bun. She wears a translucent veil at all times, to keep her from inhaling the sand that it always blowing. Her clothing is functional and light-colored, but has a sort of drape-y grace. Her wings are strong and powerful, but not feathered. She wears a cactus blossom pinned to her veil.

Username: Xiao Casa
Other: I am happy
Fairy forms:

Name: Liessa

Age: 51

Tribe: Sun Tribe

Rank: Chief
History: She founded the Sun Tribe from the nomadic desert fairies, who now hold her in high regard.  By settling once and for all the squabbles that had always been inherent in the desert nomads, she proved herself a worthy leader and unified the tribe.

Personality:  She is a strong leader, capable of keeping order and establishing justice, but is also very compassionate towards others.  She, like other fairies in the tribe, is very resourceful and
rarely comes across a challenge she is unwilling to take on.  She is good in battle, but not remarkable.

Picture/Description: She has dark skin (like the Berbers) and curly black hair that she keeps in a bun.  She wears a translucent veil at all times, to keep her from inhaling the sand that it always blowing.  Her clothing is functional and light-colored, but has a sort of drape-y grace.  Her wings are strong and powerful, but not feathered.  She wears a cactus blossom pinned to her veil.

Username: Xiao Casa

Other: I am happy :)

Tribe:Spear Tribe
Personality:Adventurous, brave, strong, one of the best hunters and fighters, easily annoyed when told what to do, loves making friends with longers.
History:Left the Night Tribe with her best friend, William, but she has always called him Wheesl or Willie, to find adventure and found herself joining the Spear Tribe.


Tribe: Spear Tribe
Personality:Smart, social, chatty, hates it when April calls him Willie.
History:Left the Night Tribe and joined the Spear Tribe with April and has been friends with April for as long as he can remember.

Other :

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