The Fathers Day Hatch-A-Long!!! The Last Day To Set eggs Is June 3rd!!!!

I lived in the booneys until the housing boom a few years ago . . . I'm waiting to see if anyone complains about the roosters!!  So come out to the country and support ownership of chickens!!  I have loads of free ranging chickens, turkeys and ducks and we really enjoy them. 

What are you bidding for ??

I'm bidding on Isbar eggs

I'll prolly let them go if someone out bids me.
I really have too many eggs incubating already

I would love to have Roosters and turkeys and ducks
and pygmy dairy goats and a donkey !
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I have silkies due Sunday. (they weren't set on time to be a true Hatchalong ) I'm curious though. I think I read they tend to hatch early? Is that true? We're going camping Friday night and coming back late Saturday. Don't know if I should be prepared to see babies or not...
Bantams do tend to hatch earlier then LF eggs.  Usually around a day or 2 earlier.

Don't go by that because sometimes they don't hatch early.
I'm in. I can offer prizes also. Let me know java girl since I have a hard time keeping up with the thread.
can I join..i have Eggs on the way..should be here today or tomorrow. i will be setting ee/oe that i bought from a bycer...i will be a day or so earlier than the origional post states.
I'm down to 7 Welly eggs
My dog .......
The 7 that didn't break might have
been shook up too much by the fall
but I'll set them tomorrow anyways.
I want to cry.

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