The Fathers Day Hatch-A-Long!!! The Last Day To Set eggs Is June 3rd!!!!

Day 30 for my Narragansett hatch, 3 more hatched out this I have 7 poults in the brooder. Of the 3 eggs left, one poult is working hard, almost out, the other 2 eggs no activity yet. Obviously my incubator temps were low, 1st time using this incubator, and I should not have trusted the
digital temp setting, I believe it was reading 1 or 2 degrees higher than the temp at egg level actually was. I will calibrate it before my next hatch.


Day 29 for my Narragansett hatch ... 4 are out, 6 more eggs still to hatch the incubator is getting crowded so time to move the newly hatched poults to the brooder. Here's some photos.
before the move.
Well my official Fathers day hatch was a total bust. Out of the 8 Muskovy eggs I set 2 failed to develop, 3 quit early and 3 quit late. I figured they were dead on day 30, but left them in until day 37 just in case. Finally tossed them Sunday
Sorry Arielle!

On a bighter note I had broodies hatch 2 poults and 2 chicks
Oh Karin, very disappointing.
I have a few developing in the incubator now! DH is excited. WIll see if these will hatch as I'm new to hatching ducks. I will set the eggs from today just in case.
I think I might have the worst hatch rate.
My hatch rate is 16.5%. I started with 18 eggs. Went into lockdown with five. 2 hatched on there own. 1 I had to help. Another pipped but died. Another one died in the shell. Well at least I have some.
I think I might have the worst hatch rate.
My hatch rate is 16.5%. I started with 18 eggs. Went into lockdown with five. 2 hatched on there own. 1 I had to help. Another pipped but died. Another one died in the shell. Well at least I have some.

What a great starting point!!! You have the whole summer to try again. I have been trying for a whole year now. And I have all the little chicks and poults to prove it. DH needs to make more grow out pens. ANyone need chicks ? LOL Keep good notes and you will perfect your new skills!!

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