The fire ant dance

Fire ants are pure evil! I swear they wait till there are a hundred on you, then give some sort of signal only they can hear and they all bite at the same time. We deal with them here and they're worse after a rain. You might want to take some benedryl.
Well, luckily I don't look like a pox victim this morning but I feel strangely sick. MY joints ache and I feel like I had one too many drinks last night. I did not have any drinks last night. I'm drinking lots of water to flush my system, but today is going to be a rough day.
I have an incredibly sick sense of humor, but at this I didn't laugh. Not even a chuckle. Why? Because when I lived in Florida I worked for a tree service and you could pull those ants off you and they wouldn't let go. Their heads would stay attached even after you pulled their bodies off.
It will make you sick too. Feel better soon. Those ants are bad news.
Glad i'm not the only one who feels sick after getting bit by those horrible things.

i am always picking them off my animals who cant get them off and it is like getting clamps off, they just latch on and won't let go.
Fire Ants love the Florida heat and sandy soil. Anywhere you go there is a mass of tunnels under your feet where they live and plot to take over the state. When you poison one mound, they simply move 6 ft over to another entrance to their labyrinth and continue business as usual. There's only one way I know of to eradicate them, you have to get the Queen. I recommend you take chewing tobacco and carefully sprinkle it all around their main entrance. The workers will take it down to the Queen. When she comes up to spit, you stomp the hell out of her!!!!!!!!!! ( ya!)

thanks for sharing your "comedy of errors" day with us. It made mine look so much better by comparison.

I heard that DE kills them! I am going to try that as soon as I get a bag of it. I have tried the fire ant killer as well and they do just move over 6'
My Fiance is highly allergic and last time they got him he had to go to hospital for a yeah being bitten as much as you were it's no wonder you feel sick!
I got bit about 20 times on my feet and ankles while building our new coop and a couple of days later got some nasty, itchy little blisters come up..used a sterilized needle and once that stuff was cleared out they are healing up fine and don't itch now. Grrrrr! I hate the little......*&%$#@ ..things
Oh MY!

When I lived in Texas, I was walking across a parking lot with flip flops on. It felt like I had stepped on a lit cigarette or a piece of glass. I looked down and had ONE ant clinging and digging into my skin. I brushed it off & the body came off but the head remained clamped tight. I literally had to PINCH it off. Then came the HUGE blister that felt like a burn.

HOLY mackeral I'm not understanding why you aren't in the hospital right now! Those darn things HURT.

Feel better!
Bull Ant = 13 to 20cm Don't know how much that is in inches...from what I remember seeing them in person about 1"
When my brother was about 7 we stopped on the side of the road so he could pee...well he got a little close to the bush and several got on him
He was screaming and doing the bull ant dance and Mum had to strip him off to get rid of them. *shudder*


thanks for all the hugs, and I am slowly feeling better. the drinking water, and fresh air, is helping.. my hip and ankle are still sore, so I think I need to see the doctor if that keeps up and get yelled at for falling down the stairs and not coming in sooner, but meh, as long as im not in extreme pain and no sever swelling i'm fine.

i did find a head STILL clinging to the back of my knee when I went to the restroom a few minute ago. I don't know how i missed that *shudders* that is just gross.

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