The first days of a chick. Guide by a chicken owner.


In the Brooder
Jul 3, 2022
Hello! My name is Ava. I am going to be telling you how to raise baby chicks.
When they first hatch you are going to bring them into a box with a heat lamp. Make sure it’s not too hot! You do this so they can relax without all the other chickens bothering them. They are tired from breaking out from the egg, and the heat lamp is perfect to help them relax. After 2-4 hours in the box, let them spend time with the mom for the rest of the day.
Introduce them to the flock. After about 3-7 days, introduce them to the rest of the flock. If they seem to be getting along, then that’s great! If they are picking on the chick(s) then you should wait a while longer as the chick is young still. Remember, water is very important and if the chick isn’t drinking, then get a water beaker and drop water into the chicks mouth. Or, you can put water on your finger and drop it onto the chicks beak. Chicks will die if they are let without water for 12 hours. But, chicks can survive up to three days off the egg sack they used when they were in the egg. This is my guide of caring for baby chicks. I hope you liked it! Make sure to follow me for more guides I will write. Bye!

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