the flock and 6 months experiance


8 Years
May 3, 2011
Georgetown, KY
Ive learned everything i need to know for chickens in teh last 6 months. The dos and donts. the maybes and the what ifs. I feel good enough to make a little money off the birds. I know there is still a ton to learn and you can never know to much so this is what i did, what ive done, and what i hope to do.

CSA and hatching eggs is what i want to do. My goals are to maybe become a breeder at some point. Im to the point now im going to keep a couple spicific back yard birds.

My main flock will consist of Brahmas and wyandottes. I plan to have a rooster or 2 of each depending on how many hens ive got. This way the eggs will be a mix of the 2 breeds or brahmas or wyandottes. It will be a little surprise every time they hatch. The less breedable (coloring etc) and spare roosters will be used for the meet for my family and the CSA. I am also going to breed polish. Not a specific color. Ive got a Buff Roo a Blue Roo a Blue hen a buff hen and a silver laced hen. They will all be kept in a pen for the time being. This way I know ill get polish but the coloring will be a surprise. Im also going to keep an experimental group. In this case Frizzled cochins and silkies. I may try my hand at sizzles.

Ive also got two turkeys and am looking for a Tom. These will mainly be for eating. Im also looking for peafowl. These two will be just to have. If the other plans work out I may start selling there eggs as well.

I have several breeds or all sizes and colors over the last several months. Im in the process now of changing over the flock. Heres what they look like so far.


Im in the process of building mobile coops and grow out pens. I want everything mobile. Currently to coop resides in the back part of my shop. I need my shop back.
I said everything I need to know (referring to my current plans) Not everything The was to know. But i do appreciate the SA answer.
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