~The Forests of Avalon, A Dragon Roleplay~

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A grin touched the corners of the rogues mouth "Oh I wasn't here to see you Kidar. I know, you must be so disappointed. I must say, you and your little dogs," he glanced at the dragons behind Kidar, "got here rather fast. I'm impressed." He smirked.
"I only came to make sure that you kept your distance from Inigo." Kidar glared at the rogue.
"I only came to make sure that you kept your distance from Inigo." Kidar glared at the rogue.

"I have no intention of harming him." Belial assured him with the same dark smile that hinted he knew more then he was letting on "Me and Inigo are great friends!"

"What?" Inigo snarled, outraged "How dare you suggest such a thing!"
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