~The Forests of Avalon, A Dragon Roleplay~

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Oh, and I love Absolutely LOVE your avatar! It's pretty.
Camilla was in the library, speaking with Stephan when someone knocked on the door. "Come in!" Camilla replied lightly, looking up to greet whoever was behind the door. Stephan twisted his neck around to look also, curious as to who would be calling on them this late at night.

As the heavy wooden door was pushed aside, Alistair stepped through the doorway. He gave a little bow to each Stephan and Camilla, then launched right into explaining his unexpected visit. "Camilla, Stephan. Two civilians have been reported missing. They were supposed to return this evening, but never showed up."

Camilla frowned and tilted her head to the side. "Who is it?"

"Charlotte and Henry."

"Wasn't Amaria supposed to be with their group?" Stephan asked, rising to his feet with Camilla. "And Ruth? Where are they?"

"They returned early, Henry and Charlotte were supposed to be right behind them. Ruth reported them missing when they didn't come back."

"I'll send a search party out right away." Camilla glanced upwards at the dome overhead. The sun was setting already, soon it would be dark. "We must find them before dark. Fetch Gabriel and Amaria, we're leaving right away."

"We're?" Stephan asked, shooting Camilla a surprised glance as Alistair left.

"I'm going with them." She stated firmly, leaving no oppurtunity for him to argue. "Henry is a responsible dragon, if he did not show up, something is very wrong."

Stephan bit his lip, but nodded. "I won't warn the city until you get back with news." He stepped forwards and rubbed his cheek along hers "Good luck, I hope you find them."
Once she reached the courtyard in front of the High Guard, Alistair, Gabriel and Amaria were just arriving. "Camilla I'm so sorry!" Amaria cried, forgetting to bow in respect for her queen out of shame. "I knew I shouldn't have left them. I just didn't think anything would happen this one time, and they were so close to finishing and..."

"Amaria." Camilla held up her hand. "We must find them first, then talk. We don't have much daylight left."

The learner nodded and swallowed quickly, blinking back her emotions for focus on the task at hand. "Sorry."

"Alright, Henry and Charlotte were last seen at the Maple. Thats where Ruth left them. Assuming that they headed back towards the city from there, they will be anywhere along that path." Camilla explained, making eye contact with every one of her warriors and one learner as she spoke. "We will start there. Gabriel and Alistair, start from here and work your way that way. Amaria and I will head to the Maple and search back this way. If we meet in the middle without finding them then we wil need to extend our search. Any questions?"

After a moment of silence and the slight shaking of heads, Camilla took flight with the others following behind. They formed a loose formation behind her until they reached the city limits and Gabriel and Alistair broke off to begin their seach as Camilla and Amaria continued to the Maple.
Gender: Dragoness
Rank: Learner
Appearance: She's a Golden dragoness, with gleaming scales and ever flowing tail with frills at the end. She has whiskers that go along with her body, and her eyes are a Light, Aqua Color. She has black, iridescent claws, with ivory White teeth. She has horns atop her head, with a birth mark of a large missing scale on her abdomen. Her body is long, and she has four limbs. Some says she is a Ancient Dragon from China, but they got the China part right.
Personality: She is cocky, ambitious, clever-minded, and very rambunctious.
City: (Pelendava or Caronia) Pelendeva.
BYC Username: Summer Days


Name: Furo
Gender: Dragon
Rank: Learner
Appearance: He is a Silver dragon with are large muscular built body. He has streaks of Glowing Blue along his Belly and Sides. He is missing a claw from trying to flee from his Past(Unknown). He has spiral horns that are darker in color than his body. He has Amber Silvery, Blue eyes and a short and bulky tail. And four Limbs.
Personality: He is ambitious, brave, clever, noble, and curious for new things.
City: (Pelendava or Caronia) Pelendeva
BYC Username: Summer Days
The flight towards the Maple wasn't long a distance, but it passed between two rather large mountains which made it impossible to hear or make contact with Alistair or Gabriel back near the city. Not that Camilla was nervous or anything, this was her kingdom, but the thought crossed her mind that she was alone now with only Amaria. She watched the learner flying beside her out of the corner of her eye, and had to admit that Amaria was indeed strong for her age. Even more so then her sister, Mayella. But both learners were turning into fine warriors and would soon complete their training.

As they neared the Maple, Camilla instructed Amaria to watch for anything unusual as she had been there earlier in the day. They landed together in the clearing where Silv had first attacked Henry, not far from the Maple where Charlotte had collected the herbs from. The smell of blood was strong, but not fresh and Camilla noticed it even before she landed. In the forest, the sun cast long shadows from the trees, giving the impression that the tree were larger then they were, and moving. There was an uneasy silence cast across the forest for as far as they could hear, even the birds were still silent as Silv's attack had spooked even them.

As Amaria went to examine the bunch of herbs that Charlotte had dropped, Camilla inspected the blood patterns left behind from the first attack. She half closed her eyes in consentration to focus on the scents individually and concluded that Charlotte left first and during take off, Henry had been attacked from the ground behind him before he could gain enough altitude to be out of reach. A clever hunter... She thought. If anything, he would have been watching the sky for predators like this, not the ground. He probably didn't see it coming until it was too late.

The blood splatter led her to some large scuff marks in the ground, and the flattened bushes where Henry had fallen. He must have tried to throw off his attacker... A decent move, one taught to learners by their mentors during their training. But what she found next puzzled her, there wasn't enough blood here to be fatal, so where were they? She looked around, frowning as she scanned the dark trees around her. Henry had stood here and faced his attacker, clearly wounded and weakened, so why hadn't the attacker finished him off? Had Henry fought him off? Which led her back to the same question. Where were they now?
Not far away, a faded orange dragoness was talking urgently with a snow white dragoness who was slightly larger then her. Her hand gestures were quick and percise and the tone of her voice was bordering on frantic as it drifted closer to *whats her name?* :p
Just bumping this for you Zinnia so you don't think I'm ignoring you :p This is in reply to your post about Z.. something lol
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