The Front Porch Swing

Heather- congrats on the pregnancy! and thanks for the deer control funnies!

My husband is so funny, He thinks we should have a lot fewer chickens and gave me the silent treatment for a whole day when I brought home 2 chicks from the gilmanor swap (and 4 for a friend, but I had promised her chickens that I couldn't give her after I found out about the MG so he might have thought for a second I'd really brought home 6 when really it was only 2 that LOOKED like 6.

But anyway...we have a broody Dorking in the goat house and when we were cleaning it today he found out she was only sitting on a golf ball and felt bad for her so gave her a couple of real eggs to sit on. isn't he sweet!!! (I very quickly switched them out for eggs I actually wouldn't' mind hatching verses mutt eggs but he doesn't need to know that)
Laura, what eggs did you give her to hatch for you? Hopefully he won't notice that his have been switched! (and maybe there are just a few more than he put in there?
So, I had to go to the ER last weekend because my heart rate was in the 130's and my blood pressure was around 210/130. I talked to a cardiac specialist and he thinks I have POTS. Basically, my body can't adjust to the changes when I go from lying to sitting or sitting to standing. So, it causes my heart to go into tacycardia (spelling?). Thankfully, it is not anything life threatening or too dangerous. So, right now, I just have to cut all caffeine out of my diet and increase my salt intake. Thank God they don't think it's anything more serious since I'm only 27!
Wow, Tim, that is good news but scary stuff when your blood pressure is that high. Be sure to do what your doctor instructed ........yes, that is the mother hen in me coming out.
I still have a red Dorking Roo and a couple of colored dorking girls in my quarantine pen. They have been there for months and months. The Roo is so big, I was afraid to let him out...of what he might do to Xander (Barnevelder roo that is in my freeranging flock) because they didn't grow up together.

so the eggs are actually purebred-ish. pure dorking anyway.
So, I had to go to the ER last weekend because my heart rate was in the 130's and my blood pressure was around 210/130. I talked to a cardiac specialist and he thinks I have POTS. Basically, my body can't adjust to the changes when I go from lying to sitting or sitting to standing. So, it causes my heart to go into tacycardia (spelling?). Thankfully, it is not anything life threatening or too dangerous. So, right now, I just have to cut all caffeine out of my diet and increase my salt intake. Thank God they don't think it's anything more serious since I'm only 27!
Oh, I have something similar. But not exactly. sounds like what you have is worse.

when I stand up I get dizzy. my blood pressure doesn't regulate well and then when it comes back I have a pounding in my head like it comes back too strong. it is annoying. and sometimes embarrassing when I actually pass out. They called it "Postural Hypotension." they also told me to increase my salt intake....I don't remember having to cut caffeine but maybe I was fingers in ears "LA LA LA LA" through that advice (I love my coffee!!!)

Salt is a necessary thing for your body. I think it is annoying that all the health nuts and healthy food advocates want you to cut down to nothing on salt. it helps keep you hydrated, which is good! too much of a good thing might be bad, but a reasonable intake is fine. and in our cases, more is better.
Oh, I have something similar. But not exactly. sounds like what you have is worse.

when I stand up I get dizzy. my blood pressure doesn't regulate well and then when it comes back I have a pounding in my head like it comes back too strong. it is annoying. and sometimes embarrassing when I actually pass out. They called it "Postural Hypotension." they also told me to increase my salt intake....I don't remember having to cut caffeine but maybe I was fingers in ears "LA LA LA LA" through that advice (I love my coffee!!!)

Salt is a necessary thing for your body. I think it is annoying that all the health nuts and healthy food advocates want you to cut down to nothing on salt. it helps keep you hydrated, which is good! too much of a good thing might be bad, but a reasonable intake is fine. and in our cases, more is better.

Wow! That is literally the exact opposite of what I have, but it causes a lot of the same symptoms. My body cannot regulate when I change position, so my heart goes out of control trying to compensate. That then raises my blood pressure through the roof (your body makes your blood pressure go down). I also get the headaches and feeling dizzy, etc. since my blood pressure spikes so high. The key is, I have to start getting more salt to equalize the pressure in my veins between lying, sitting, and standing. That's so weird that we have such a similar condition!
Hi all!

I really would love that porch, but you know the turkeys would climb all over everything. Oh well a deck is the next thing on my wish list. Some place I can sit and watch the animals running amok.

Lovely thread Heather!

td have you tried the bug stuff to take care of the coons? I removed three of those buggers last week. I hope you can lower their population or prevent them from lowering your chickens population!

Pysanky I would give every broody a chance to be a momma! They take all the Orkney out of raising chicks. And I agree slip a few extra eggs under her. If hubby asks blame it on the chickens!

Well it's late off to bed.
Good Morning.... We are off to a VERY early start here.
My oldest DD has a class trip, so need to be at school by 5:15 am. I wonder what the chances of the babies going back to bed when we get home ????
Good Morning.... We are off to a VERY early start here. 

My oldest DD has a class trip, so need to be at school by 5:15 am.    I wonder what the chances of the babies going back to bed when we get home ????   :confused:

Babies going back to sleep when you want them to!!!! HaHaHaHaHa.......oh, you! Starting off the day with jokes.......

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