The Front Porch Swing

We actually bought our land to have a place for horses, but found horses first while looking. So we boarded them for a while. After we found our farm field we put a well in right away, built a shelter and moved the horses and of course the chickens. Even got a third horse. I dreamed of the day I could sit in my living room and and watch the animals. We sold our home, lived in an apt while we built and as soon as we could get occupancy we moved in. The house still isn't finished, but I can watch my animals from my living room! It's so peaceful. I could sit and watch for hours, but then I'd never get anything done.
I just had to share-Sophia just came inside with TWO beautiful blue eggs! My Legbars are FINALLY laying-unfortunately, my MFL roo killed my Legbar roo last week, but every egg I get will be going in the bator for a couple of weeks.
Work?'s my hobby.........and hobbies are never work, they are what we do because we enjoy doing them least, that's what I keep telling myself!
I love living in a rural area. We have cows across the road and a short distance to the west of us. I love hearing the mommas and calves bawling to each other......even the bellowing bull doesn't bother me. The bull frogs from the pond at the place next door and tree frogs all around us make a wonderful chorus in the quiet evenings when the chooks are in bed. Sometimes, even after living here 12 years, I still can't believe we live here in our little piece of heaven on earth. It is green and lush and this time of year makes up for the long, cold winters. Winter chores are the pits!

As for the horses.....had a couple different ones in MS as a teen and young adult...and worked at a track here in IL until children became a priority.....still love horses...I feel a connection with them that is hard to explain and I don't think will ever go away.....but the truth is...they just don't fit...
I hope you get the opportunity to have one at some point.
I just had to share-Sophia just came inside with TWO beautiful blue eggs! My Legbars are FINALLY laying-unfortunately, my MFL roo killed my Legbar roo last week, but every egg I get will be going in the bator for a couple of weeks. :weee

As td said x2

Hopefully you get a good hatch from them. And that you can get those girls a handsome new rooster.
I just had to share-Sophia just came inside with TWO beautiful blue eggs! My Legbars are FINALLY laying-unfortunately, my MFL roo killed my Legbar roo last week, but every egg I get will be going in the bator for a couple of weeks.
sorry to hear about your Roo.

I so far love the Legbars I got from you and Rachael...nice friendly chickens! the two girls are so different in light and one dark. I cant decide which one I like better! I need to take some new pictures of the chicks in the grow-out area. I'm absolutely enthralled with the "spherical chickens" (that's what my husband calls the Bantam chocolate orps) they are so adorable.

Just got in from putting the first coat of paint on the goat shed. painting it to match the house. I will take a picture tomorrow when it is done! it's pretty hot out there....I think I am going to go lie down. It is so nice to be on vacation and be ale to lie down when I want to!!!!! I am so lame that napping has become my favorite activity...what has the world come to???!!!???
Aren't they sweet? The Legbars have me so spoiled-there is no other breed that I have been around that is as sweet, friendly, and social as these chickens. Then you add autosexing and lots of blue eggs and you have the perfect chicken, in my opinion!
Aren't they sweet? The Legbars have me so spoiled-there is no other breed that I have been around that is as sweet, friendly, and social as these chickens. Then you add autosexing and lots of blue eggs and you have the perfect chicken, in my opinion!

I had a pair....the hen laid 2 eggs and died.
Neither were fertile. So now I have a rooster....and eggs in the bator.
I'm so looking forward to getting some. My son is really into the crested birds, but I love the blue eggs.

We have basque, Aseels, and Dark Cornish that are friendly like that. Fernando our Basque roo thinks he must wait outside for us to lock up their coop. He gets really excited when he sees us. It's kind of like we are taking over the protection duties so he can go to bed. Just love an adorable roo.
I have a couple of younger basque, too...a couple from CPL eggs and two that I got locally from "Maggiesdad" I like them so far, too. in fact, kinda interesting that I didn't get a single roo from the mix...not that I need any more roos. and I can always get more from Maggiesdad next year if I want.

Living in Virginia, knowing that I just cant order eggs from just anyone because of the restrictions makes me feel like being a hoarder. Like with these Choc orps. I only have one girl so I feel...I dunno...nervous I guess if something happens to her I cant make more...LOL. so it makes me feel better knowing when I have a more local source for more, it means I don't have to have as many chickens in the ark...LOL

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