The Front Porch Swing

Hi Meg. it was great visiting with you yesterday.

Meg drove 5 hours each way to visit me yesterday!!!!!!

she brought the chicks she hatched out for me...they are so beautiful.
and she has been such a support through all of my chicken's health issues
(I have a closed flock now due to MG)
Hi Meg.  it was great visiting with you yesterday.

Meg drove 5 hours each way to visit me yesterday!!!!!!

she brought the chicks she hatched out for me...they are so beautiful.
and she has been such a support through all of my chicken's health issues
(I have a closed flock now due to MG)
I told you...i enjoyed the trip and the visit! I stayed longer than I anticipated, because I was having such a good time chatting!
Pysanki and hollowoak, that is pretty neat you were able to meet each other!!

Also I enjoy reading all your stories... we are all human and have our issues... Strange as it is, it's nice to know you can connect with others you have never even met!!

And WELCOME Susan!! ( I think that was your name, sorry)

And I forgot to say thanks to CPL for the suggestion on ebay for the netting... but now I have another thought... I was also thinking about shade cloth, because it does get hot here in the summer, but I don't want to have to be trading out coverings all the time... anyone have any idea how shade cloth ( a heavier gauge) would hold up with snow?? Maybe if I put it up at an angle so the snow can slide off easier?? Although it still might bow... hmmmmm.......

Another update: the corn and beans are now planted, now for the squash/pumpkins and maybe I'll be able to get the tomato cages out... I have about an hour... we'll see how much I can get done!
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Just thought I'd start a chat thread for anyone to talk about things that are relevant to them.
Welcome friends (and friends I haven't met yet)!

Keep it family-friendly and remember BYC rules-be kind to everyone.

OMG I WANT that porch!!!


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