The Front Porch Swing

I tell these stories - the stories of my amazing family - not to gain anything, but to share what kinds of amazing things are possible with faith. I was pretty mad at God for awhile, like little Evan was, because it seemed so wrong for Austin to be taken from us. But it wasn't my place to question, it was my place to help Tam and Evan come to accept what had happened and then go on living the lives Austin would have wanted for them.

But of all God's miracles in our world, none is more special than this ultra sound of Kendra, taken shortly after we learned that she would be born with Spina Bifida, but before we had any clue how severely she might be affected. I'm gonna post the picture, and you tell me what you see. Right after Jen gave me my ultrasound printout I spotted this, and I relaxed. I knew Kendra was going
to be just fine, and that her future was in greater hands than ours. If you see it, let me know. If you have trouble I'll point it out. Ready, set, GO!!

Bee I say a Big Amen!

Blooie that was a beautiful story thanks for sharing it. I cry easily any way but was sobbing pretty darn good reading your story. My husband came in and said "okay what story is Blooie telling now". Your story telling is famous my sister. Glad you are are here. Saying you are entertaining is putting it mildly.

Welcome SonRise. Ladies let me introduce you to my good friend....Cheryl ......the best chick enabler you will ever meet. I can't hold a candle to her. And Lisa she will have unsweetened tea sugar is a no no for her. Bee would you please have her set next to you she needs a little extra supervision. We seem to get into too much trouble if we set close to each other.
I tell these stories - the stories of my amazing family - not to gain anything, but to share what kinds of amazing things are possible with faith. I was pretty mad at God for awhile, like little Evan was, because it seemed so wrong for Austin to be taken from us. But it wasn't my place to question, it was my place to help Tam and Evan come to accept what had happened and then go on living the lives Austin would have wanted for them.

But of all God's miracles in our world, none is more special than this ultra sound of Kendra, taken shortly after we learned that she would be born with Spina Bifida, but before we had any clue how severely she might be affected. I'm gonna post the picture, and you tell me what you see. Right after Jen gave me my ultrasound printout I spotted this, and I relaxed. I knew Kendra was going
to be just fine, and that her future was in greater hands than ours. If you see it, let me know. If you have trouble I'll point it out. Ready, set, GO!!


I heard a preacher once say that losing his child got easier when he realized that he had been given a gift for that long and what a miracle it was to even have that gift, so when she was gone it hurt, but being thankful for the time they had before that really got him through the losing of her. He also gained comfort from the fact that he knew it was only temporary, that she was in the best place ever...better than being here on Earth, that she was safe and he would see her again soon.

I wish more people could see it from that perspective. My sister is still mad at God for her losing a grandchild to death, but doesn't consider she still has that child's sibling and what a gift from God they both were to begin with. She prefers to dwell on the hardness of the temporary separation rather than the wonderment of the original gift and probably always will.

Blooie...I can't see what you are seeing other than a baby. Tell us!
I heard a preacher once say that losing his child got easier when he realized that he had been given a gift for that long and what a miracle it was to even have that gift, so when she was gone it hurt, but being thankful for the time they had before that really got him through the losing of her. He also gained comfort from the fact that he knew it was only temporary, that she was in the best place ever...better than being here on Earth, that she was safe and he would see her again soon.

I wish more people could see it from that perspective. My sister is still mad at God for her losing a grandchild to death, but doesn't consider she still has that child's sibling and what a gift from God they both were to begin with. She prefers to dwell on the hardness of the temporary separation rather than the wonderment of the original gift and probably always will.

Blooie...I can't see what you are seeing other than a baby. Tell us!
Sounds like a very wise, very loving preacher! Okay, I'm gonna post another picture - same one - with the surprise pointed out
Do you see Kendra's Guardian Angel right there with her? You may have to lean back a little, but she's there!
Now you went and did it Bee. I'm going to have to get the incubator out and set some more eggs. But since I loss my last rooster I guess I'll have to beg some eggs from a friend.

And I agree do tell Blooie. I never was good with those pictures.
Now you went and did it Bee. I'm going to have to get the incubator out and set some more eggs. But since I loss my last rooster I guess I'll have to beg some eggs from a friend.

And I agree do tell Blooie. I never was good with those pictures.
Look right at the intersection of the four lines.....and just a little below to the right. There's a face, and you can see her hairline almost on the line. She's right below the word "Angel".

Bee, you DID it! Well, the chick did it, but your method worked beautifully! Good on ya! Now, that doesn't make me want to start hatching eggs...I'll leave that to folks much smarter and much more patient than I am. Shoot, I'm impatient waiting for the girls to start laying. So frustrating today. Went to Powell and bought another $85.00 worth of materials for the coop, then stopped at the grocery store and bought (grrrrrrr) eggs. Well, they're probably way cheaper than the ones we're going to get from the chickens. I figure by the time I add up the last two months' worth of reciepts I've ended up paying about $120.00 per dozen. <sigh>

Welcome, SonRise! Ignore them - you can sit on my story bucket if you want to. I'm not always using it!
Look right at the intersection of the four lines.....and just a little below to the right. There's a face, and you can see her hairline almost on the line. She's right below the word "Angel".

Bee, you DID it! Well, the chick did it, but your method worked beautifully! Good on ya! Now, that doesn't make me want to start hatching eggs...I'll leave that to folks much smarter and much more patient than I am. Shoot, I'm impatient waiting for the girls to start laying. So frustrating today. Went to Powell and bought another $85.00 worth of materials for the coop, then stopped at the grocery store and bought (grrrrrrr) eggs. Well, they're probably way cheaper than the ones we're going to get from the chickens. I figure by the time I add up the last two months' worth of reciepts I've ended up paying about $120.00 per dozen. <sigh>

Welcome, SonRise! Ignore them - you can sit on my story bucket if you want to. I'm not always using it!

Really amazing Blooie, I couldn't see it until I clicked to enlarge on the picture and it worked.

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