The Front Porch Swing

Hi, I got invited here by a dear friend, so here I am. North Texas here.

Can I please squeeze in on the swing with a nice cold glass of fresh lemonade?

I read the first page, saw the date and skipped to the last. This is one busy porch! 455 pages in 3 months.

While I am here, can I ask if anyone knows how to reattach the front cabinet panel (from IKEA) to my dishwasher, that had the screws stripped out?

Spring has sprung here at my house.
I thought you were already here Jellybean !!!! Welcome

I'm out of Shreveport. Close.
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Good morning! It is really windy here today. Storms are brewing.... Super high humidity is meeting a dry line/cold front soon and we will be in for some excitement. Hopefully rain too! I can do without all the excitement though.

Sasha woke me up last night around 2am. She was very adamant about getting outside. I opened the backdoor but didn't see anything in the yard so I let her out. She flew out the door, making a quick stop to pick up her blue ball (her obsession) and was down the steps and to the fence in a flash. At this point I knew something was out there and figured it was a cat. Then I saw what she was chasing around the yard. It was an armadillo! It was a young one, maybe a year old. When I saw it I knew it was an armadillo but my mind kept thinking, what if that is a giant rat? It was kind of dark out there.... Sasha kept chasing it around the yard until it must have finally remembered where it got in and it made its way over to the front gate and left. It was pretty funny. :) Sasha had fun. :)

Sasha with her blue ball.

I'll get the pictures of the front panel for my dishwasher in a bit. It is still dark. Seems to be getting darker too. I think the rain is close by....
Good morning! It is really windy here today. Storms are brewing.... Super high humidity is meeting a dry line/cold front soon and we will be in for some excitement. Hopefully rain too! I can do without all the excitement though.

Sasha woke me up last night around 2am. She was very adamant about getting outside. I opened the backdoor but didn't see anything in the yard so I let her out. She flew out the door, making a quick stop to pick up her blue ball (her obsession) and was down the steps and to the fence in a flash. At this point I knew something was out there and figured it was a cat. Then I saw what she was chasing around the yard. It was an armadillo! It was a young one, maybe a year old. When I saw it I knew it was an armadillo but my mind kept thinking, what if that is a giant rat? It was kind of dark out there.... Sasha kept chasing it around the yard until it must have finally remembered where it got in and it made its way over to the front gate and left. It was pretty funny. :) Sasha had fun. :)

Sasha with her blue ball.

I'll get the pictures of the front panel for my dishwasher in a bit. It is still dark. Seems to be getting darker too. I think the rain is close by....
Just keep one eye on the sky, one on the weather reports, one on your escape route, and one on your family....wait, that ain't gonna work, is it? Might be smarter to just alternate eyeballs and focal points, so nothing sneaks up you from behind.

It's snowing here - again. I don't think it will last too long today. It'll probably taper off by late morning. I need to go out in a few minutes and "do my chores". I might need to dig around in the back of the closet and see where Ken stuffed his tractor pants at the end of parade season last year.......he is a Shriner and his Shrine club drives antique Allis Chalmers tractors in formation during parades and such. It's so funny - all the guys wear bib overalls, vivid bright green shirts and multi-colored bandannas, and they drive the tractors in formation. When they come to wide intersections in the streets then they square dance them......the music blares and these 6 tractors actually "dance". It's a hoot. But now I want to steal his bibs to fit in with my new persona as the owner/operator of Oleo Acres.

Here's to a good day for the Porch Sitters!
Ms. jellybean, you need to introduce Sasha to Jake and Boots. Bonees are in a jar over yonder.

I am in a quandary. I am suppose to be painting the bathroom, but I went out to the garden--BIG mistake. Do I work in the garden, mow the grass before it rains, or paint? AHHHHHHH!
I am going to try to get the mowing done.

Have a good day and have a glass of Iced Tea ready for me please!

Lisa :)
Good morning! It is really windy here today. Storms are brewing.... Super high humidity is meeting a dry line/cold front soon and we will be in for some excitement. Hopefully rain too! I can do without all the excitement though.

Sasha woke me up last night around 2am. She was very adamant about getting outside. I opened the backdoor but didn't see anything in the yard so I let her out. She flew out the door, making a quick stop to pick up her blue ball (her obsession) and was down the steps and to the fence in a flash. At this point I knew something was out there and figured it was a cat. Then I saw what she was chasing around the yard. It was an armadillo! It was a young one, maybe a year old. When I saw it I knew it was an armadillo but my mind kept thinking, what if that is a giant rat? It was kind of dark out there.... Sasha kept chasing it around the yard until it must have finally remembered where it got in and it made its way over to the front gate and left. It was pretty funny. :) Sasha had fun. :)

Sasha with her blue ball.

I'll get the pictures of the front panel for my dishwasher in a bit. It is still dark. Seems to be getting darker too. I think the rain is close by....
It's raining here in TN too, not hard just a little drizzle. I don't think we are expecting any storms. My hubby tilled the garden, working in some rich composted manure/pine shaving mix. Getting my broccoli/cauliflower/cabbage planted ASAP. My chickies are out getting wet, but foraging.

My Great Pyr Ben brought a possum home a few days ago.....not entirely dead, though.....had to finish it off with my .22.

Ms. jellybean, you need to introduce Sasha to Jake and Boots. Bonees are in a jar over yonder.

I am in a quandary. I am suppose to be painting the bathroom, but I went out to the garden--BIG mistake. Do I work in the garden, mow the grass before it rains, or paint? AHHHHHHH!
I am going to try to get the mowing done.

Have a good day and have a glass of Iced Tea ready for me please!

Lisa :)
I would mow, then paint. You can always paint while it rains.

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