The Front Porch Swing

Watching Canada vs US Hockey Men (Women kicked butt yesterday - YEAH CANADA!!!).

Currently the 2nd period
1 - Canada
0 - USA

Update -: 2nd period over...

1 period left!
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I predict you will get fined. You are not entitled to heat, or camping.

I bet they will never ban those Homecoming Bonfires, though. You are entitled to football.

Maybe we have to declare our heating fires as some kind of Pagan Ritual so we can get a religious exemption?
I've often thought in the past year, that I should convert to Amishism.
That's nuts, and it doesn't even go into the increase in seismic activity in those areas. Are the fracking in Yellowstone yet? That will be fun.
Absolutely - I deal (for another month until I leave my job) with seismic and oil/gas extraction in oil sands areas of Alberta (you know - the area that they are shipping oil/gas products from for the Keystone pipeline). It's crazy stupid how oil hungry these companies are (and government).
Absolutely - I deal (for another month until I leave my job) with seismic and oil/gas extraction in oil sands areas of Alberta (you know - the area that they are shipping oil/gas products from for the Keystone pipeline). It's crazy stupid how oil hungry these companies are (and government).
That's why they are trying to ban the woodstoves. Sir up the enviromental groups to ban woodburning and then sneak in the backdoor with gas and oil that has destroyed land and water. They can't sell this gas and oil to us if we are burning wood. I wonder if these idiots have ever stood on a busy street and inhaled emissions from autos?
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