The Front Porch Swing

@Lacy Blues... I like that black and white pup. He's got a "yeah, what do you want?" look. But black and white is my favorite color too.
thanks for all the welcome backs. i have a lot going on. however there is no chicken germ that will keep me down. the truth of the matter is my birds were very ill back in early December. i am the type of person who gets right into the birds and see what is going on. my sniffer is not as good as it once was. so if my bird has a runny nose i get right in the beak and inhale. this is how i check for the earliest detection of coryza..
well my birds ended up with mycoplasma . mg and collera. long story one that. well after 3-5 days of having sick birds and putting them all down. i got what i thought was a bad cold. so i went to my Dr with lab results in hand from the dept of agriculture. my Dr checked my lungs all clear and put me on a antibiotic. needless to say it did not do much good. so the other night i had a difficult time getting air just winded and a bad dry cough. i said enough is enough 3 months of this. i better get this looked at the hospial. they did a chest x-ray. this lady comes in and says she is from the respiratory dept. well no surprise there. she had asked me if i had been around sick birds. so i told her look raise chickens and had a bout of illness in my flock. the response was. well that makes sense . they explained the x-ray and what the air sacs looked like. then she breaks out this inhaler. i thought it was a treatment. when i was done . she explained i will be going home with it and here are the instructions.
i am a tough old bird. so i asked her. are you nuts ? she responded very nicely . we can to this out patient or in patient.
i told her no in patient. i got some barred rock eggs i got to get home and set. funny she knew chickens. her dad was a chicken man. we talked a bit on chickens. then she broke out that mask wearing thing.
i will keep you posted as to what the dr says this week. i bet i end up on some anti fungul antibiotic, humm there is a fungus among us.
this year is going to be a fun year for me. i raising my breeders for next year. these will include large foul barnevelder , silver penciled rock, barred rock, wc polish and orpington for some nice color projects. im also doing a color on barnevelder called a silver laced. look them up stunning bird.under google images.
im not sure about reds this year. will see. bantams i may raise are the cornish. jury still out.

all my breeders for next year, i will be concentrating on dual purpose traits as well as type. the long term goal is to get these birds to where they were years ago before they were ruined by greed. it is work . however it is fun for the color projects add a mystic adventure

Oh Bruce, so sorry about all this.
Get better!!!
Good morning, friends and "family"!
It's raining here and it's a beautiful day that the Lord has made! Found this little vid in a roundabout way this morning and thought I'd share...

Raining and thundering here like a spring day but it is going to freeze. Ice storm warning for next day or two. And I thought we were going to cruise on into spring. Not! lol I've been out working on coops this morning to "try" and get them ready. Major renovation is definitely in order. Come on spring...! :)
More ICE seasoned with an inch or two of snow coming. I hear sleet or something hitting the windows now. We are wusses around here! Booo hoo..
Oh dear spring where art thou!?!?! Oh shoot, forgot to salt the porch! I was thinking and HOPING this stuff was over. When it comes to winter weather, I have a whole new respect for northerners. lol
It's supposed to snow 5-7 inches here :/ and there will be some ice.
It's supposed to snow 5-7 inches here :/ and there will be some ice.

We were supposed to have that last nite and this morning early...but...the newscasters got it wrong...again...
We actually got about 2 1/2 to 3 inches. I think the worst part is the wind chills today. We are supposed to hover around -2 today with windchills -20 to -30. By the end of the week we are supposed to be closer to normal temps in the low 40's. Sure hope they have that last part right. I am ready for some warmer weather for sure.

Hopefully they got your forecast wrong also chickenboy190. As in overestimated the amount you will get!

Sent my prayer for you Beekissed!

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