The Frozen Waterer Thread!

chicken boy sam

10 Years
Dec 21, 2009
People who live in the North know that every morning in the winter, or year-round, the waterer will be frozen. This is a thread for complaining about it, taking pictures of it, discussing it and how you keep up with it!

Every morning, my Dad goes out with a hot water- waterer and brings back the frozen one. In the middle of the day, I go back and un-freeze my bantam's show cup (The one she can reach) and bring it back with hot water with sugar/molasses dissolved in it. In the afternoon, my dad brings back the un-frozen one, takes back the frozen one, and the cycle goes on...
yup i take a 5 gallon pale of cold water down evry morning now. break out the ice and put new water in. also heres a tip you know that hot water freezes faster than cold water.
Simply not true! It may cool a bit faster but because it starts warmer and it takes longer to get to freezing even if the temp drops quicker. Yes. I should add "In most everyday circumstances" The exception is the Mempba effect

Just try it!
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Hey, at least when I take water out to my crew it takes a while to freeze. I have a sister in Vermont and years ago while visiting her I took a pail of water to her flock. It was around 20 below zero and before I could get everyone watered, the pail had ice forming around the edge of the pail. BRRRR!!!
My wife has some bird bathe heaters that keep the water from freezing, pug it in and drop into the water bowl and it keeps the water from freezing. Costs $15.00 at wild bird unlimited...
For the ducks & geese, I use rubber tubs. They are easy to break and I can refill them twice per day in just a few minutes.

As for the chickens, I use pop bottle waterers. Each pen has two sets. This way, while one set is fill and hooked in, the other is in a bucket in the house thawing out. I switch them out as needed. It also helps keep the bedding dry and the humidity lower in my coop than bowls of water. I don't have enough electricity out there for 15+ heated bowls, LOL
We use an electric heater base for our metal waterer. It wasn't cheap - I think we paid about $45 at our local farm bureau store but it worth the $$ and does the job well. It only comes on when the the temp drops to the low 30's and is a great backup for our constantly replenished water bowls that freeze and have to be thawed out and refilled on a regular basis. I like knowing that the girls have unfrozen water to drink in the early morning when they come off the roost...
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