The Future of My Flock Has Arrived!


2 Dozen Chickens Past Normal!
9 Years
Dec 31, 2014
NE Missouri
And I am just so excited!:celebrate

As most know around BYC I have been fighting Marek's in my flock for the past 3 years. After studying and debating and talking with people more knowledgeable on the subject than I even am, I decided that my best bet was to introduce Egyptian Faymoumi's into my flock with the idea of attempting to strengthen the genes of my own resistant birds with the genes of the naturally resistant Fayoumis.

My chicks came home yesterday!

It's not often you can say, Meet the Future, but that is exactly what I am doing! Here are my 5 chicks. I had ordered 6 via a friend from MMcM hatchery but one didn't survived and we are awaiting word from the hatchery as to what they want to do about the dead chick.

And I am just so excited!:celebrate

As most know around BYC I have been fighting Marek's in my flock for the past 3 years. After studying and debating and talking with people more knowledgeable on the subject than I even am, I decided that my best bet was to introduce Egyptian Faymoumi's into my flock with the idea of attempting to strengthen the genes of my own resistant birds with the genes of the naturally resistant Fayoumis.

My chicks came home yesterday!

It's not often you can say, Meet the Future, but that is exactly what I am doing! Here are my 5 chicks. I had ordered 6 via a friend from MMcM hatchery but one didn't survived and we are awaiting word from the hatchery as to what they want to do about the dead chick.

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Congrats!!!! :celebrate
(You're chicks are adorable:love:love)
Me too! I have one Fayoumi hen right now named Farrah. She is a beautiful one year old, aloof, but funny. She greets me every morning at the door hoping for a piece of bread to be tossed her way. Of course I make sure she gets one. She isn't a cuddler but she is a sweetie.
Me too! I have one Fayoumi hen right now named Farrah. She is a beautiful one year old, aloof, but funny. She greets me every morning at the door hoping for a piece of bread to be tossed her way. Of course I make sure she gets one. She isn't a cuddler but she is a sweetie.

how is going with your new birds? any signs of the Dreaded MD
Since I originally posted this thread, the friend who gave me Farrah, saying she was an EF pullet, contacted me and red faced admitted that now they don't think Farrah is a Fayoumi but an Easter Egger in Fayoumi colors.

Sure enough. This spring I ordered Fayoumi chicks from Murray McM hatchery and the birds look nothing like Farrah, who, by the way is now 1.5 years old and looking good, if a bit bald thanks to being a party girl favorite with the roosters.

Here they are at about 1 month of age, looking like winners of an ugly chick contest. They are now 5 months old. The rooster, Tut, started crowing at 5 weeks and is a handsome boy. The girls started laying at 4.5 months and are just exotic little ladies. They were vaccinated but everything I'm reading says they are resistant to Marek's and coccidia so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

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