~The Gilded Feather~ A Flock of the Wild RP!



Jesus Loves You
May 25, 2020
Western Washington
Please Read First

A) By participating in this game, I promise that all BYC Rules will be followed and that I have read and understood the Role Play Rules that are in a sticky at the top of the Games forum.

B) I promise that all content is to be rated G and suitable for all ages.

C) I promise that there will be no swearing, cursing (including censoring by using symbols) or inappropriate adult sexual activity or innuendo. This extends to mating, breeding or innuendo in non-human characters as well.

D) I promise to treat others with respect and kindness as is the BYC way.

E) I promise not to post any material that is a violation of copyright. Basically this means: if you didn't create the content (like an image / picture) and don't have direct permission from the content creator to post it, then don't.


The Backstory:


In the forest, a mother hen watched over her hatched brood. A few were particularly restless and kept tumbling out of the nest. As the sun slipped behind the hills, the hen began a story in hopes of soothing them to sleep. Gathering her chicks close, she began. "Once, almost all of our kind lived in the homes built for them by the humans. The humans would provide us with food, and in turn, we chickens would give the humans eggs to eat. Humans, however, would sometimes kill us for meat, but we continued to live quietly and happily in our little homes. One fateful day, a terrible storm struck, and wind tore the cozy little homes apart. Blinded by the darkness, wind, and rain that surrounded us, we were separated from the humans, and when the storm calmed, those still alive found themselves in the middle of the wilderness, none of us knowing which way we came from or where to go. Soon, we chickens, coming from many flocks, forged into one. We searched the forest, and finally found a place for us to live. Though it was a far cry from our old homes, and it was hard to find food and shelter, we have survived. We have done our best to live with nature, even though The Eaters lurk. But that is a story for a different time. For now, sleep." So saying, she lowered her head and fell into a deep sleep, the chicks along with her.


Things to Know:


The Eaters: The Eaters are, as you can guess, predators that eat chickens. Main predators include coyotes, bobcats, birds of prey, foxes, etc.

The road: If a chicken travels far enough, they will come upon the road. A highway filled with cars, it is a forbidden place for all chickens.

Layout: I don't have a map yet, so if someone wants to draw a map, great! Thinking that the chickens 'camp' will be deep within the forest with branches stretched out over the clearing for roosting. A meadow grows nearby with a stream running through, and food is found throughout the forest.


Positions in the Pecking Order. All of the members of the flock make up The Gilded Feather (Just the fancy name for the flock. ;))

Rooster: The rooster's job is to protect the flock. He keeps his eye out for danger, helps lead chickens to food, and steps in between squabbles. He is above the hens' pecking order and has the final say. He is basically the leader of the entire flock. Please note, there can only be one head Rooster. For simplicity’s sake, the Head Hen will be his mate.

Head Hen:
The head hen helps the rooster keep order. She is first to the food and makes sure the others know their place in the order. She often leads the others as they wander through the forest and is often the first to explore different things. There can only be one Head Hen. For simplicity’s sake, the Rooster will be her mate.

Sentinel: Should the rooster disappear, die, get injured, or in any other way cannot fulfill his duty, the sentinel takes his place in keeping her eye out for danger and alerting the flock if there is an alarm. When the rooster is fine, the sentinel should be treated with respect but does not have the privileges of a Head Hen or Rooster.

General: These are the chickens that aren’t at the top of the order and getting privileges, but they’re not picked on and bullied by the chickens all the time like those at the bottom of the pecking order. These chickens can be hens or roosters.

Chicks: Fluffy, adorable chicks. Need I say more? They’re usually protected and spoiled by their mother. Can be male or female.

Pullets/Cockerels: Not quite a hen/rooster, (They’ll officially become a hen/rooster when they’ve reached one year), these chickens are growing up and working on establishing their place in the pecking order. Their mothers are pushing them away to get on with life…at this time, they’ll probably get bullied often and bully each other.

The Bottom of The Pecking Order: What can I say? The bottom of the pecking order is a rough life. Roosters and hens alike may end up here from being runts, having some injury, being super nice, not caring about their order, etc.…these chickens get hit the hardest. Literally. They’re often pecked, attacked, and unfairly bullied. They’re last to eat, and, if food is running low, they might not get to eat at all.

Note: The positions are a guideline for how a chicken may act in that position, but you don’t have to follow it. For example, if you make a head rooster, it doesn’t have to brave. It could be really nervous, mean, or irresponsible.

Okay, now, just wanted to remind everyone: You must read the rules at the top before you join, and please, I beg you, follow them. This is my first RP, and I would like to keep it clean, neat, and fun for everyone! Thank you so much!

Please fill out the form to join:



Breed (Optional) :





Physical Description:


After you copy and paste the form and fill it out, I suggest you tag me in the other section (Along with any other extra details you want to add), so that I can find it easily to accept you. :) (Also, Please note: If you would like to make a character who is a loner chicken, an Eater, or anything like that that isn't part of the flock, please PM me before making the char. :) Thanks!)

Have fun!
People who I think would like to join:
@cluckmecoop7, @chicken3fly, @RoosterWhisperer, @CrazyCochin, @Alyssa-Bee, @LittleBigBantam, and anyone else who wants to join: Please, do so!
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Name: peanut

Flock: The glided feather

Breed (Optional) : buff orp

Gender: female

Mate: N/A

Personality: loves to explore and is quite friendly, does not tolerate fighting except the pecking order and preadators

Physical Description:
tan/beige feathers, and only has one leg, but does not get bullied beacause most chickens fear her, she has scared off preadators before

Other: has a pet salmander @Starburst (Awesome RP! :D )
Last edited:
Name: peanut

Flock: The glided feather

Breed (Optional) : buff orp

Gender: female

Mate: N/A

Personality: loves to explore and is quite friendly, does not tolerate fighting except the pecking order

Physical Description:
tan/beige feathers, and only has one leg, but does not get bullied beacause most chickens fear her, she has scared off preadators before

Other: has a pet salmander @Starburst (Awesome RP! :D )
(Just realized I forgot to put rank! Before I accept, what rank? Totally my fault, sorry!)

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