The girls hated the oatmeal so what other foods for cold days?

Black Oil Sunflower Seeds. I get them at the feed store in 25 lb bag. Fill your jar half full of seeds (shell on). Fill with water, to the brim. Screw lid on. Let soak overnight, 8 hours or so. Drain in the morning. I use a strainer over the top, or you can get cheese cloth and a rubber band. Then leave the jar tipped at a 45 degree angle (idk why). Rinse and drain every morning and evening. They will sprout within a day or two. When the sprouts get big enough I store them in the frig.

I should also mention when I first started feeding BOSS (dry) the girls looked at me like 'where are the treats?' I had to put them in a feed pan by themselves for them to start recognizing them as a treat.

Here's a pic of them sprouted in the jar..

What a cool idea! one i will definitely give a try. TY!
I am in awe at all the ideas given freely on here. Although I am not new with chickens ( Our family had them as I was growing up) it is egg-citing to get on here and read all the new ideas. As a kid we simply threw out leftovers after each meal and Dad would throw a few handful of scratch or cracked corn to them. Now its oatmeal, BOSS, rice, all kinds of nutritional foods for them and they think it is a treat when in fact it is very healthy for them. I will certainly be using a lot of the suggestions. Mixing warm water with my crumbles..... Hmmm; what a concept

Keep up the great ideas on here.

LOL, some chickens are definitely spoiled i try to give the girls variety, since they are penned they don't get much choice, my ducks have a larger area and can range out so they don't get so many treats/extras
I have not read this whole thread but here is a thought. I make my one suet cakes by melting peanut butter, adding bird seed, letting it cool, roll it up in wax paper and freezing it. What if you do that and add oatmeal or other grains in it! You can even add some off they're feed in it also.
I have not read this whole thread but here is a thought. I make my one suet cakes by melting peanut butter, adding bird seed, letting it cool, roll it up in wax paper and freezing it. What if you do that and add oatmeal or other grains in it! You can even add some off they're feed in it also.
I make my own suet too! There is PB, lard, oats, sunflower seed and....something else, I can't remember. They love it and the wild birds in eat SO much faster then store bought!
what are some things that chickens should NOT eat.
here ya go!

Potatoes- raw or cooked- toxic
Anything really salty
Dried or uncooked beans- poisonous
Avocado skin and pit- toxic
Raw eggs- don’t wanted them to recognize them and eat their own eggs
Sugary foods
I start with a base of mueslix cereal ( organic in the bulk section) instead of plain oatmeal.
They like extra raisins, plain yogurt, corn and a fruit cubed and simmered in as well.
I make a big batch then refrig the rest. Is good for 3-4 days.
Probably more but you know how those cackling old hens are with their fresh food preference.
They are NOT garbage disposals by any means as some claim....:rolleyes:At least my gals aren't.
Good luck

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