The Great Egg Shipping Experiment!

Received 2 boxes of eggs this morning. They were both shipped USPS Express Mail. Boxes showed no signs of rough treatment and No eggs were broken. Pics to follow. In this first box the individual eggs were wrapped with a cohesive type of bubble wrap. It is good for protecting the eggs but not sure how much it let them breathe.

Their was quite a bit of poo on these eggs although the pic does not really show it. These were also from the person that said they do not write anything on the outside of the box. I guess the changed their mind.


Very nice packaging job! Not too much poo, so I would think that is OK! Good luck with your hatch.
Second box of eggs showed no damage to the box, only a small tear in the wrapping paper which was insignificant I would think. None of these eggs were broken either. They were double boxed, and individual eggs were wrapped in conventional bubble wrap. They were packed laying on their side which was a disappointment. All in all pretty good job on both sets, but I think there was also room for a little improvement. These eggs were much cleaner than the previous box. I have a 3rd box coming later today that was shipped FedEx and I will also post them.


Hi, about a month ago, I ordered some Chocolate Bantam Orpington eggs and they were demolished in shipping. I called the customer service center for the PO and spoke with a fellow about the problems I was having with many of my eggs being destroyed. Both incoming eggs, and outgoing. He informed me that you can insure hatching eggs. I also thought that you could not insure them, but he said you can insure them for the value of the cost of the eggs. So that is what I am doing now. I am going to file a claim this week for a box of eggs that I shipped last week to OK. So I will have more information about how the claim will be handled after I file the claim. It will probably take 30 days to receive a payment. Also, I plan to call them every time a box of eggs is damaged and file a complaint. I have been shipping eggs for a few years now, and about 50% of everything I receive, or ship out is damaged!
Do you know of any information on the USPS website that says hatching eggs cannot be insured? I have looked before, but I may not have seen that information. That is one of the reasons I called the customer service center.
Have you started packing using the meeks method? A couple of posts down you replied that the picture showed a great packing job. That is the Meeks method to a T.

If egg are packed like that they will usually make it when shipped.
Thanks Ron!
I have tried several method for shipping. The biggest problem that I have been having is serious damage to the containers. One of the orders that was shipped to me (Bantam Chocolate Orps) was packaged extremely well. The seller double boxed everything and cushioned inner and outer boxes well. The PO dropped a pallet of magazines on the box and punctured both boxes! Some of the eggs were scrambled inside the shell from the impact and many of the eggs were broken. All of the unbroken eggs were damaged and I actually did set the eggs in one of my incubators to see if any would develop. They did not. It was a total loss.
That being said, I am working on finding inner boxes that are strong (like the sterlite box) and trying to beef up the strength of the outer box so that punctures and other damages are less likely. However, rough handling may still damage the cell structure of the eggs. I am just trying to get the boxes to their destinations in one piece and find a way to sell hatching eggs that have a chance of hatching! The Meeks Method is a good method, and I have used it many times, but it is not totally safe against vandalism by the PO.
Well just got the box from FedEx. It was left on the front porch without so much as ringing the door bell. The box showed no signs of excessive abuse but the eggs were packed very poorly and laying on their side also. Eggs were loosely wrapped in bubble wrap, some in paper towels. many had slid completely out of the bubble wrap and were just loose in the shredded paper. The eggs had not been double boxed and what shredded paper was placed in around the wrapped eggs was not near enough and left a far too loose condition. No packing had been removed in the 1st pic.

The good thing was she sent lots of eggs. Bad news is 5 were broken and of those 5, 3 were completely crushed. 2 just busted on one end like it had been hit with another egg. I eggtopsied those and one was completely scrambled.

All eggs are settling upright now and will go in the bator later. I will be surprised if any of this last box hatches but it was worth a chance.


Well just got the box from FedEx. It was left on the front porch without so much as ringing the door bell. The box showed no signs of excessive abuse but the eggs were packed very poorly and laying on their side also. Eggs were loosely wrapped in bubble wrap, some in paper towels. many had slid completely out of the bubble wrap and were just loose in the shredded paper. The eggs had not been double boxed and what shredded paper was placed in around the wrapped eggs was not near enough and left a far too loose condition. No packing had been removed in the 1st pic.

The good thing was she sent lots of eggs. Bad news is 5 were broken and of those 5, 3 were completely crushed. 2 just busted on one end like it had been hit with another egg. I eggtopsied those and one was completely scrambled.

All eggs are settling upright now and will go in the bator later. I will be surprised if any of this last box hatches but it was worth a chance.


Thank you for sharing!

Too bad about the poor packing. Send the shipper the info from here and a link to the thread.

I hope they hatch!
Thank you for sharing!

Too bad about the poor packing. Send the shipper the info from here and a link to the thread.

I hope they hatch!
Ron, They are not on BYC as far as I know. I contacted them via phone never by internet or I would definitely send them a few links!
I don't think she has shipped many eggs, but does have some excellent BA's from what I have been told. I appreciate the crossed fingers. It is the risk you take ordering eggs.

I have another box of eggs coming later this week & then one next week. After that it will be wait and see. I really don't think the eggs got that rough of treatment, box was in excellent shape and the way it was packed if treatment had been rough I think all the eggs would have been busted. I was surprised they weren't.

Thank you for sharing!

Too bad about the poor packing. Send the shipper the info from here and a link to the thread.

I hope they hatch!
Hi, I thought the box looked pretty good. I agree, too bad that the packaging was so poor. I hope you get a decent hatch from your eggs. It does not look promising.
I am thinking about using FedEx for my next shipment, just to see how it goes. I got a call from my customer in OK today and believe it or not the package was damaged and some of the eggs were broken that I had packaged in the supposed bomb proof, packaging that I worked on.

She might join us on this thread to post some photos of the damage. The box she received today was a box with some replacement eggs for the box that was damaged last week! I also filed a claim for the first box today and I will be letting you all know how that goes. I wish there was another way to ship eggs.
I honestly believe the best way to ship eggs is with USPS Express. It is Guaranteed delivery, and I think unlike Priority it gets Priority. Yep it is a little higher but in the long run is it really?

I think if eggs are packaged any where close to correctly and sent USPS Express then hatch rates should be good. I have another box coming from FL to IL Express. It is BA eggs. They were shipped today and should be here Friday. I will then have more eggs coming from FL next week (same seller)

I'll surely get lucky and get some of these eggs to hatch!

I honestly believe the best way to ship eggs is with USPS Express. It is Guaranteed delivery, and I think unlike Priority it gets Priority. Yep it is a little higher but in the long run is it really?

I think if eggs are packaged any where close to correctly and sent USPS Express then hatch rates should be good. I have another box coming from FL to IL Express. It is BA eggs. They were shipped today and should be here Friday. I will then have more eggs coming from FL next week (same seller)

I'll surely get lucky and get some of these eggs to hatch!

I think that you are spot on with the best way to ship is using Express. I like what you said about "in the long run is it really?"
Good luck!

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