The Great Egg Shipping Experiment!

I candles tonight my day 17 eggs so all I have to do is add humidity tomorrow. Of 21 eggs there was one I thought could have had movement but honestly even that I wondered of it was just a wet slippery air cell. At this stage no movement is normal.
Hey wisher,
Well so far 3 EE's and 4 BCM's have hatched. I snuck in the bator real quick and placed them in the brooder tub. 3 of the four BCM's have Fuzzy legs. One didn't. Not sure if the last three are late quiters or not but I'm keeping them cooking for a couple more days.
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Okay, Jess, so that's seven out of ...... how many did I send? Fourteen? One cracked, and a couple of quitters, right? Seven out of eleven? I can't remember.....

16 eggs shipped
1 broke in shipping
3 clear at 7 day candling (2 scrambled air cells)
2 blood rings
10 into lockdown ( 5 EE / 5 BCM )
hatched 3 EE, 4 BCM------------3 in till monday possible quiters

The way I calculate hatch rate with all counted except clears and broken eggs I have a 60% hatch rate so far on the shipped eggs.. better than twice what I've ever gotten before.
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It seems like the definition of hatch rate is somewhat subjective.

I think during last year's Easter hatch-a-long, we calculated by total set/total hatched (everything included). Maybe that was just to simplify things for a large group. For me, I always counted everything that had the potential to hatch (anything fertile), so I've always included blood rings, early quitters, etc.
Is there an official definition somewhere, or is this one of those topics with many opinions?
Y'all are not going to believe this, I'm shaking my head over it myself.

I put 48 eggs from my flock in the bator I stacked some extras in Tetris style because I figured I would have some to pull at first candle. My egg turner holds 41 (I leave the one by the turner motor empty.)

I included one blue egg that was COATED in blue. It was really dark blue on one end and had a pebbly texture. The blue transitioned to lighter blue in rings toward the small end. It was just weird so I threw it in. I also included a "wind" egg just to see if it would develop, and two white eggs. They are weird because I don't have a white egg layer and have just started getting them! They are full size and I get one almost every day.

So yesterday, I candled. The wind egg was clear, of course. One of the white eggs had a blood ring, and the funky blue egg was a very early quitter. Not only are all the rest of them on track, I saw movement in all but a couple of the very darkest eggs because my light was fading! I was expecting a few chicks, looks like I will get a bunch!

Y'all are not going to believe this, I'm shaking my head over it myself.

I put 48 eggs from my flock in the bator I stacked some extras in Tetris style because I figured I would have some to pull at first candle. My egg turner holds 41 (I leave the one by the turner motor empty.)

I included one blue egg that was COATED in blue. It was really dark blue on one end and had a pebbly texture. The blue transitioned to lighter blue in rings toward the small end. It was just weird so I threw it in. I also included a "wind" egg just to see if it would develop, and two white eggs. They are weird because I don't have a white egg layer and have just started getting them! They are full size and I get one almost every day.

So yesterday, I candled. The wind egg was clear, of course. One of the white eggs had a blood ring, and the funky blue egg was a very early quitter. Not only are all the rest of them on track, I saw movement in all but a couple of the very darkest eggs because my light was fading! I was expecting a few chicks, looks like I will get a bunch!


That's amazing. I've had some really great hatches with fresh eggs from my flock, too. It's a great feeling. Where are you going to put all those birds??!!

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